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    Good News: The Owl Lives!

    Early this week I shared with you our experience with the “Owl vs. Eagle”, and today I have some good news to share with you. We drove through the canyon yesterday, and checked the bush where Mtnman left the owl after his traumatic experience with the eagle. He was not there, nor were there feathers or other debris that would tell us he met a dreadful end. Nope. There was no sign of him, and this made me so happy. As we were leaving the canyon the owl flew over us, dipped his wings (a wing wave), circled back and over us again, before flying off. I choose to believe…

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    A Kind Gesture

    Hmfast sent me a tweet shortly before our 2 week stay in SLC to let me know he had something to send me and would be dropping it in the mail soon. I asked if he would mind holding on to it for awhile because I wasn’t sure when we would be able to make the trip to Twin again. He had no problem doing just that and last week when we took the day to make the drive, his package was waiting for me. A beautiful bracelet that was made by one of his guests that passes through his hotel around the holiday’s. It is, of course, elephant in…

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    Love, Life and Elephants: An African Love Story by Dame Daphne Sheldrick

    A Book Review Thank you, Nicster, for another book that turned out to be an amazing read. This book is for anyone who loves animals; true stories of how humans can prevail and show incredible compassion. It is a story well written by Dame Daphne Sheldrick. She walks the reader through her life, giving great history to how her British roots ended up in Africa. She shares how her people showed incredible resilience, even in the toughest of circumstances and an unforgiving climate. She is honest and open about her life, in both love and life in the African  wilderness. Her family had to overcome unbelievable obstacles with local tribes,…

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    The Messenger

    I’m always amazed at the thoughtfulness and generosity that has been shown to me from my online community. My last PO Box run was to pick up a few packages, and to mail off a big panty order. In one of the packages that was waiting for me was a beautiful messenger bag adorning elephants, which was not on my wishlist. Bubba, you have always been thoughtful and kind, thank you! I have already used it and love it! It is the perfect size to carry with me on over night trips and it will definitely be my go to bag now. It makes me smile each time I see…

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    Manatee’s, Roo’s and Elephants Make the World a Better Place

    My biggest obsession would be elephants, but I have always had a love of manatee’s and kangaroo’s, as well. Manatee’s are just sweet, adorable and they are the only species that are safer in captivity than any other animal. Kangaroo’s fascinated me as a child because they hop and skip along with not a care in the world. Elephant’s need no explanation here… Last year, for my first Christmas as a single person, Cliff sent me a box of ornaments that he had specifically made for me. Unfortunately, they did not arrive in time to adorn my tree, but this year they played center stage. We had a very simple…

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    … This Just In …

    I have 20 peanut patties, but after counting them, there is only 16 total. I am currently eating one, as I type this. That will leave 15; three of which are in the freezer, 12 are in my snack locker.  And, I still think I missed my calling. I should have been a PROFESSIONAL elephant hugger! 

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    Wile E. Coyote

    As a kid, I loved Wile E. Coyote. He made me laugh and shake my head at the same time! I am not sure where my love for him came from. It could be that my maternal g’ma gave me a stuffed Wile E. on my 6th birthday and then my parents took my twin and I to see the elephants at the San Antonio Zoo. Although, not something I would do today, Dad and I rode one of the eles and I just wanted to hug and hug and hug on him. Dad took his cowboy hat off and pretended to be riding a bucking bull. Mom snapped a…

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    Meet Malkia

    This post has been a long time coming, and one that Dwwindsor has gingerly suggested a few times. In November I chose to foster a sweet elephant; her name is Malkia.  Here is her story: Walking the plains of Tsavo for many years has been a regal old lady, always easily recognized by her distinctive ivory. This year however, the dry season has been long and harsh and with poor April/May rains, it proved too much for this aging female elephant, who was found collapsed with a young calf by her side. Elephants have six sets of teeth to last them a lifetime, and as the years progress new sets…

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    A Family Bond

    It is well known that I want an elephant. They truly should be admired, loved and worshipped. Here is something that one of my Ele sites posted this morning and it is worth a share: They say that nothing is more important to an elephant than family. Elephants are well-known for their complex, multi-layered social networks led by an older female. Known as the matriarch, these wise female elephants carry with them a lifetime of inherited wisdom that helps the whole herd survive; where to find water, where to find food, when to avoid danger. While studies of African elephants show the clear dominance of the matriarch in a herd,…