• My Blog

    No Politics

    I have an unspoken rule, but a well known one at that, which is my cam room, tweets and blog is no place for politics. I understand, and respect, that we all have a right to free speech and opinions, but important issues are not resolved on social media and in cam rooms. We as a whole are so divided that it is disheartening and there is no real solution, nor will we see one any time soon. Those who spin conversations into political arguments are hurting themselves and changing nothing.  I am not writing this to call anyone out, but I have had several replies to my tweets about…

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    A Heartwarming Read . . .

    This is an excerpt from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust  Our Ex Orphans seek help for an injured bull elephant The intelligence of elephants and their compassion for one another will never cease to amaze and inspire us – as demonstrated in Tsavo yesterday. Yatta, Mulika and Kinna, orphans raised by the DSWT and now living wild, appeared at our Ithumba Reintegration Unit with their calves Yetu, Yoyo, Mwende and Kama, accompanied by Lenana and Sidai, two other now wild-living orphans, and a very nervous wild bull elephant. Our team immediately saw what was troubling the bull elephant, whom they had never seen before – he had two arrow wounds…

  • My Blog

    Where to Begin . . .

    Goodness, you guys are incredibly good to me. I am going to start with my thank you’s, but they are in no particular order. Kevin, you are so sweet to surprise me with a candle, and a tank and shorts set. The candle scent fills the house with a soft, subtle pine smell, which is perfect for the winter, and the blue tank set is sexy and fun. Thank you!    Rodney, you disappeared on me for awhile, but you returned last month and immediately found my wishlist. You are kind and so thoughtful, thank you! I love the lingerie and will wear it during my next content-filled weekend, which…

  • My Blog

    A Drawing by Sawyer

    If you join the Monday night shows, via VNALive, then you have probably chatted with Sawyer.  He could not sleep awhile back and he put pencil to paper and came up with a thoughtful drawing of me, with an elephant on the t-shirt!! Not only did he add an elephant, but also made it gloomy behind me and anyone that knows me knows that my sunshine is in a gloomy day! I thought it was worth sharing with you guys. Notice the ele on my shirt?

  • My Blog

    A Slacker, I Am.

    I have always made the time to post my thanks to you all, but here lately I have fallen short on that, and I am sorry! I have many thanks to send out, but that it is not limited to just those I mention in this thread. Mollie- you are always so thoughtful and you have surprised me with a few sweet surprises in the last month. The latest is a cute pillow case duo, with and elephant printed on the front. Thank you!   Bubba, you continue to surprise me with your generous surprises, and it means a lot to me. I cut my only pair of yoga pants…

  • My Blog

    Houseplant: Acquired

    Last week I decided I needed a houseplant. Maybe need is the wrong word to use here because my want is much stronger than my need. In that I mean, I do not need one to survive, but I want one to make me smile.  I have three now, not just one. Let me explain. Last summer Dawn took clippings from one of my plants and she now has pots overflowing with them. When I was leaving a couple weeks ago she asked if I would like to take a few clippings from her, so now the Purple Heart has made a full circle. I potted them in a small…

  • My Blog

    World Elephant Day

    World Elephant Day has been in operation since 2012 and with each passing year, it becomes more widely known and acknowledged. It is amazing how many sanctuaries and organizations have been working to save the pachyderm species for decades and with the help of social media people are starting to appreciate these gentle beasts.  Ele-Facts: If a baby elephant complains, the entire family will rumble and go over and touch and caress it.  Elephants express grief and compassion.  Elephants play a crucial ecological role in their habitats, such as digging pools of water that other animals depend on. Elephants can live to be over 70 years old. Elephants have a…

  • My Blog

    Do Not Be a Growler

    Are you a growler, a bellyacher, a complainer, a grump? Do you find yourself making a fuss more than not?  We all have our moments, which sometimes turns into a day, or maybe even a week, but some people are constantly negative. I admit, there are days that it is hard to find the positive in all the overwhelming chaos and responsibilities, but no one enjoys connecting with someone who is a negative-Nellie.  You might find people more receptive to listening to your bad day if you try to be positive on the good days. I am just saying that if each time you converse with a friend and it…

  • My Blog

    The Animal Kingdom is Beautiful

    Studies have shown that an increasing number of African Elephants are now being born tuskless. It was 4-6 percent of females who were born without tusks but now that has risen to 98 percent. They have had no choice but to adapt to a world in which they are hunted for their tusks. One can only hope that the Chinese do not dream up another magical potion that cures cancer using elephant parts. (or any animal part for that matter) The only need for ivory is on an elephant. Although this story is an amazing testimony to the power of the animal kingdom, it saddens me that they have had to…