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    A Bracelet with Meaning

    When I first started wearing bracelets, I added a bundle of Alex and Ani bracelets to my wishlist, not knowing their true meaning of each one made. They are a company with positive vibes and good, strong energy. Each one holds a different meaning and value; some are even in memory of charities and life events. Now when I select a bracelet to be added to my wishlist, it is because I find a connection to the charm. It might sound materialistic, but I am a simple person. When I slip the elephant, butterflies and “Love You Like a Sister” bracelet on, I feel connected to those I hold close…

  • My Blog

    Elephant Appreciation Day

    Today is a very special day because it is dedicated to our gentle giants!!! It is a day to appreciate elephants and love them just because! It is a great day to love them because all they want in life is to have a family and to be loved. They look out for each other and love wholeheartedly and that is something we could sure stand to learn ourselves. Plus, look at their faces, they are just precious and everything adorable and their hearts are so big and lovable! Appreciate those you have in your world that are good to you because one day you might wake up and realize…

  • My Blog


    Yesterday was an amazing day from the beginning to the end, for many reasons. I had a great start to the day and it continued on throughout the morning, into the afternoon and through the evening. It was a great day to celebrate elephant’s and it is heartwarming to see a change in how they are protected and admired. In just the last couple of years advocates have spoken out against the ivory trade, trophy hunters, circus’ and zoos. Sanctuaries for these gentle giants, along with protecting their natural habitats have formed and a bond between human and elephant continues to grow stronger. We have domesticated animals, right or wrong,…

  • My Blog

    Sleep Is a Beautiful Thing!

    I have not been sleeping more than a couple hours at a time, and sometimes that is as much as I sleep in one night. That certainly is not enough for me. I know several of you that sleep three hours on average and any more than that is too much. I think you are an alien, or some form of robot, because I have a hard time with anything less than 6, but 8 is definitely healthier for me. I have managed to survive on 2-4 hours of sleep for the last month, but I finally slept a solid 8 hours and I feel refreshed. It is amazing! Now,…

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    Kiko the Giraffe

    This video is just precious and it is worthy of being shared with you! It is amazing how lovable animals can be, even when they are different from one another. Different cultures, different colors and different experiences. Yet, they form a bond that makes them inseparable and friends. There have been so many stories similar to this one, but the bear, tiger and lion friendship comes to mind. We could learn a lot from our animal friends. Kiko the Giraffe and his elephant friends.

  • My Blog

    Hadari and The Elephant Sanctuary

    Anyone who knows me for five minutes is aware of my love for the elephant kingdom, but only some of you understand my true passion for them. I often joke that I want one, but the truth of the matter is that these gentle souls should be admired and cared for because humanity is an awful being who has done harm to them in more ways than one. It is not just the elephants, it is the animal population as a whole. That soap box is for another day, however, because this post is one of great joy for me. The other night Bill (aka- BillinTexas or AngelsBill) asked me…

  • My Blog

    I Love Him!

    I know it is no secret that I love elephants and want one but look at this little guy. I love him! He is so adorably precious and everything is new to him. He is curious and happy and scared, all at the same time! He will be exhausting to his mom but she loves him and will protect him, no  matter what kind of troubles he finds himself in. He will even get upset and throw a temper tantrum, because baby elephants do that, and that is just cute! Don’t you think he looks like he wants a hug?

  • My Blog

    The Elephant Sanctuary

    The nations largest natural habitat for elephants is in Tennessee, and they do amazing things for both Asian and African tuskers. They protect the mammal herd, and give them a safe haven to live out their days making new friends, reconnecting with old ones and exploring the habitat. In order to maintain the sanctuary as a true habitat for elephants, it is not open to the public. They have just welcomed their 25th elephant, named Hadari, a 33 year old African. Because Africans do not get along with the Asians, they have separate areas to call their own. She is joining Flora and Tange, who will, no doubt, love her…

  • My Blog

    Closet Purging!

    The closet in my studio has gotten out of hand. I cannot close most of my drawers, my jewelry is running amok and I have bags of socks, drawers over flowing with them, and a basket full of happy, colorful, foot warming socks! I pulled out the two dressers, because if I’m going to do it, I might as well clean while I’m at it, and it’s a good thing I did! I found a pair of socks behind the dressers and it’s not just an average pair. NO! It’s a pair of – black and grey with a red heart above two elephants hugging it out – socks. I would have,…