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    A Mud Bath

    Hedo sent this video to me last week. I nearly forgot to share it with you, except I needed a smile this evening and remembered the cuteness in the mud. It’s amazing how all babies are just lovable and happy! And, after I finished watching the mud bath, this one started to play and it was so heart warming I had to watch the kind people rescue the baby!

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    Reunited with MeBai!

    MeBai was kidnapped and sold into slavery when she was three years old. She was forced into the tourism industry and worked for another three and a half years before the owners set her free. It wasn’t because they suddenly grew a heart, it was because she became too weak to perform her duties. The workers and volunteers made a 62 miles journey, by foot, to reunite her with her mom. MeBai and Mom It makes me smile to see such love and joy from elephants! I love them!  

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    The White Elephant

    A rare white elephant has been found and she’s cute! She has head full of white fuzz and I would love to give her a hug! I hope she hasn’t had to experience life on her own. That would be sad and lonely! She’s the ninth white elephant to be found in Burma, and they regard her as royalty of good luck, which makes me happy to hear! That means she won’t be chained and forced into slavery. That would be, by far, worse than living a lonely life in the wild. The chain on her leg concerns me, though. It’s sometimes a shame that elephants are such gentle souls, or else…

  • My Blog

    Happy Back in My Day!

    It’s not news to any of you that I’ve had internet issues for the past several months, but getting worse over the last few weeks. I’ve been able to just roll with it most days, but today I was up early and ready to turn the cam on by 230p EST, just to find that one line was too slow to stream my video feed. Although, frustrated, I switched it to the AT&T line so I could use the new cam site, just to find that it was even slower than the other… none of which would allow me to stream a video feed. I sat patiently for about an…

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    The Polite Elephant

    Cliff sent me a picture of the Polite Elephant on Twitter. She gently stepped over several fences, from different farms, to not destroy any of the properties on her voyage.   Elephants are the most like humans, but I think they’re better than us. They’re such gentle souls, and I’d be shocked if there was an asshole in their gene pool.

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    Raju & My Fella’s!

    By now you’ve probably heard the amazing rescue of Raju, the weeping elephant. A couple weeks ago Devil saw the story on FB and sent me the link. I read every article I could find that night. What a sad plight poor Raju experienced in his first 50 years. Finally, people took notice and stepped up and rallied to free him from an abusive owner who forced him to beg for food. Food that was meant for human consumption, not an elephant. The next day Dwwindsor came into my cam room, in a rush, just to send me the link to Raju’s story. A few hours later, Jer sent me…

  • My Blog

    I Want One! Just One!

    I know it’s obvious I have obsessions, and one of my biggest ones would be Elephants, but they’re such precious creatures! They experience like we do, and they get happy and sad and they have friends.. I want to be a friend. lol. I just had to post this picture that Cliff sent me. It made me smile. We’re going to Omaha, NE next month and we’re going to go to the zoo. It’s apparently the biggest one in the world. In THE world! They also claim to be ranked number 1, which has me very excited! I’ve been to the Steve Erwin Zoo in Australia and that one was…