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    An Elephant Shows Empathy

    Awhile back Hedo sent me an article regarding a research study on Elephants and their behavior during stressful times. The study didn’t place the animals in stressful situations, but waited for something to happen naturally, such as, a sudden sound. Other Elephants would either verbally calm the distressed friend, or rub its trunk on him, just to let him know he’s not alone. Isn’t that just precious? I want one. If you’re interested, here’s the full article below, or click this link: Elephants have long had a reputation for good memories. Now, according to a new study from Emory University and Think Elephants International, the giant animals are also pretty good when…

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    Elephants are Smart!

    This is an article that Devil sent me, and I thought it was worth sharing with you guys. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I did. – Angel    The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized by Ferris Jabr posted on March 07, 2014 03:57PM GMT We now have solid evidence that elephants are some of the most intelligent, social and empathic animals around—so how can we justify keeping them in captivity? Elephants walking in line in Amboseli national park, south Kenya. Credit: blieusong/Flickr One day in 2010, while taking a stroll in his backyard, Kandula the elephant smelled something scrumptious. The scent pulled…

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    Prosthetic for Elephants

    I watched a TV program yesterday morning regarding Motala, a 50-year-old elephant in Thailand. I was so touched by her story I became obsessed and have read several articles about her decade long plight. She was a working elephant who moved trees for a living. While on a break, she was foraging for food when she stepped on a land mine. Her owners tried to save the leg, but couldn’t. It had to be amputated. Motala isn’t the first elephant to lose a leg, so they had some experience in helping her cope without a leg, and to get her into a prosthetic. They had to give her 70 shots…

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    I don’t know where my love for animals came from, but since I was a kid I remember being in awe of such amazing creatures. Not just those who are most like humans, or even those that are cute and cuddly. I have great respect for the predators, too, except for snakes. I think all snakes should be shot on site and pushed into extinction. Those are not really animals, if you ask me. They’re the bad energy of the universe coming after you in your sleep. lol. Okay, that might be a little exaggerated, but there is no need for them in my world. Moving on. Elephants just amaze…