• My Blog,  New

    Today is a Day to Celebrate!

    Today is another day around the sun, another day to celebrate, and another one to acknowledge. Today is a good day for a birthday! It can be said that I love other people’s birthdays, and that is a truth I cannot deny. Another day, another trip around the sun, another reason to be thankful. Please join me in wishing OneGreenGoat (also known as chatnameattempt) a very happy birthday! If you see him on the VNALive network, be sure to shout it so everyone knows that today is his day! Got, it’s your day. Celebrate with cake!

  • My Blog,  New

    Another Trip Around the Sun

    You know I love other people’s birthdays. I appreciate them, and I celebrate your anniversary and hope that you will, too! This celebration comes by way of Dale, who has just completed another trip around the sun! And, the universe is celebrating you in high fashion today by providing a total eclipse, which happens to be moving thru your area, ON YOUR DAY! This was not by accident, Dale. Nope. It was done by design, in one of the biggest performances brought to you by nature, and all the wonderments that come with it! So, eat cake. Go out, with your special sun-viewing glasses on and take it all in.…

  • My Blog,  New

    Mikey’s Day ALL Day Long!

    Mikey! I will not make the same blunder this year, as I did last year, and I will admit, it was a huge gaffe considering it took a lot for you to allow me to have your day! So, without further ado, allow me in wishing the best of days! It is your day, ALL DAY LONG! My wish for you is that you do something to celebrate. Go to the fish shack. Spend the day at the ballpark (if they are homestanding). Go for a drive to the next state over and stay the night. It’s been awhile since you’ve done that. Or, you could just eat cake. The…

  • My Blog,  New

    Happiest of Days to one of the GOAT’s!

    Ha! I’ve wanted to use that for awhile now- GOAT: Greatest of All Time. What a perfect use of the term, to use it in referencing Nicster. You have been one of mine for so many years that it is hard to believe we have celebrated your day for well over a decade. That is crazy when it is put into perspective like that, and I cherish each one of the years we have spent together. I look back in astonishment that I am still online because what I thought would be a short-term hobby, turned into more than I could have ever imagined. The reason I am putting that…

  • My Blog

    A Good Day, Indeed

    Today is quite special, as they all are, but this one in particular is one that I especially appreciate. He is not one to make a fuss about himself, or even his big day, but I think he more than deserves a shout out. Stephen, happy anniversary on the date of your birth! Today is every reason to celebrate with tea and cake! Lots of cake. I hope that no matter what, you do something that makes you smile today, and that you celebrate all week long, with cake! In fact, today should be celebrated all month long, by eating all the cake! So much cake! But seriously, Stephen, I…

  • My Blog

    Another Trip Around the Sun is Always Worth a Celebration!

    This day was given to me years after we met. YEARS. I’m talking a good decade, or more. Ridiculous, really. Ha! Many know him as “Red”, while others have come to know him as the “International Man of Mystery”. Regardless, of how you’ve come to know this Bigger-Than-Life personality, please join me in celebrating him today. If you’ve a ginger in your life, tip your hat to her, in honor of Red. He’s a thing for the gingers. Happy birthday, Red. Congratulations on another trip around the sun!

  • My Blog

    A Very Special Birthday!

    Today is a good reason to celebrate! If you are a part of the VNALive network, you most likely know “chatnameattempt9”. A clever name, yes, and a genuinely kind soul. If you see him in chat, on Twitter or out in the whatever-verse (lol), please be sure to wish him a “happy birthday!” Chatname, you have been an absolute delight and a great addition to the Monday night group that choose to share their evening with me. Thank you for joining us, and for sharing your birthday with me. Today is a special day and I hope that you do something to celebrate, and it sounds like you are by…

  • My Blog

    Happiest of Birthday Wishes to YOU!

    Well fuck me sideways! First things first. I must tell you what an epic blunder this one was for me. And, you will see that I epically failed this one. You know how much I love other people’s birthday’s; I think everyone should be celebrated and acknowledged. It’s been a huge part of the blog, honoring birthday’s and making a big to-do out of them. Every. Single. Birthday. Monday night during VNALive, we were talking about… who know’s what, really. Anyway, in the midst of conversation Mikey threw it out that the 23rd was his birthday. I stopped completely, and was flabbergasted to find out that he even has a…

  • My Blog

    Kevin!!! Kevin! KEVIN!!!!

    I hope you are doing well and still celebrating you! I mean, not that you ever have celebrated you, but you have allowed me to and in doing so, you’ve celebrated with me. lol. Here is wishing you nothing but the happiest of days, and cake. Pumpkin cake, to be exact. I hope you have all the pumpkin desserts your heart desires! You are celebrated, even in your absence. Happy birthday, Keviiiin!