• My Blog

    Another Year in the Rear View Mirror

    It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day life cycle, and to look forward to the next weekends, or the next trip. It’s natural to long for retirement. I’m guilty of it. We all are. Here we are on the last day of 2022, which seemed so far away in 2000, or even in 2010. It’s crazy to look back in the rear view mirror and relive experiences. Some good. Some not so good. But, life. Life is like that. My hope for you, for all of us really, is that when you glance back at 2022 you smile and realize you survived another year of trials…

  • My Blog

    Happy New Beginnings!

    It is that time of year where everyone says “happy new year!”, and some even go as far as making resolutions. With the way 2020 turned out, I feel as though we should look ahead as though it is a chance at a new beginning, and in a way it really is. We all have that uncertainty ahead of us, but we are in it together and as much as you are probably tired of hear that, it really is the truth. So, allow me to wish you a very “happy new beginning!”. The holiday’s were low key for us this year, which made me happy because if you know…