• My Blog

    This Needs to Stop! ! !

    Yesterday’s adulting has shoved its way into my today and it seriously needs to stop! WHY can’t each day be a NO PHONE CALL policy day? Seriously? I do just fine online and via text, there is no reason that we cannot devise an insurance plan without a phone call. lol. Just let me pay $50 a month and don’t tell me it won’t cover any doctor visits or real life needs. Just do something on your computer screen and make it happen. 

  • My Blog


    Pfft! Adulting. Ack!  I think being an adult comes with great advantages, and have never been one of those to wish time could be reversed as to give me a do-over. Nope. I much prefer life as an adult, I have to be honest, but goddamn it, some days I want to not adult. I was looking for health insurance Saturday night, and found a site with several options. When I woke up Sunday morning I had an email from a gentleman, wanting to discuss options. So, back and forth we go, exchanging emails and then he needs to discuss it further over the phone. WHAAAA? Because I need to…