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    Festive as Fuck

    I am not a holiday hoorah kind of person. In fact, hating December has always come easy for me. I’m a natural at it, you could say. However, once I left Texas I no longer really had a good reason for hating all things “Christmas”. Side note: I just learned something about December 25th, and I am still gobsmacked over the discovery. Well, not so much as a discovery as Gregg-with-2-g’s divulging some “well known” information on how Christmas became Christmas. That’s for another post that I will probably never write. lol. But I blame a group of people for putting us all thru an annual torture, also known as…

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    A White Christmas

    I have always dreamed of a white Christmas. It is beautiful and so clean, and what a perfect way to spend the holiday. However, living in Texas made that more of an impossibility than just a slim chance. If we had snow, it was usually in January and February, not as early as December. One year I spent the holiday with my oldest brother and his family in Kansas City, MO. That year they had no snow in December. None. Not even a dusting. It was the first year in something like 50 years, according to the weathermen. A couple of years later I woke up to news that all…

  • My Blog

    Happy First Day of My Favorite Month!

    It is November and boy, has this year gone fast. There were days when I thought felt like I was in limbo and could not see the forest through the trees, but here we are, beginning the eleventh month of 2018. This is my absolute favorite month, and I am so looking forward to the holiday’s this year, for the first time in many, many years. I already know that this news of me embracing the holiday’s might come as a shock to many, and even a disappointment to a few. I admit, I made a great grinch and I wore that hat with obnoxious pride. I cannot deny it…

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    The Grinch

    It is common knowledge that I completely abhor the holiday’s. It is something that has always been a natural hate for me; one I did not have to work at. It was not until recent years that I have realized I could seriously do without the month of December.  You might say I am Ebenezer Scrooge, or the Grinch (except I do not steal presents). It is not that I hate the jolly old fat man, or the cheerfulness that the holiday’s give some people. It is that people put too much stress on themselves and have an image of what the holiday should be.  Maybe I am alone in…

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    Share Your Traditions With Me

    So, I would love to hear about your family traditions and memories, if you are willing to share them with me, and everyone else that might read this post.  It can be one memory, or several throughout the years. I am curious as to what you remember most about Thanksgiving, and the holiday that follows. Albeit, Christmas, or in my case, the “happy holiday” season of greed. lol. Okay, okay, this thread will not jump into my ever-growing soap box. I promise!  Believe it, or not, one of my most favorite holiday memories was Dad driving us to the next town over to see the lights. It started off with…

  • My Blog


    Valentine’s Day, like many of our modern holiday’s, was to celebrate Christian martyr’s named St. Valentine. The day first became associated with love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. It was established by the Pope  in 496 AD, and then deleted from the Roman Calendar in 1969. Around 1800, a British publisher issued The Young Man’s Valentine Writer, that contained suggested sentimental verses for lovers unable to compose their own. Paper Valentines were popular in England in the early 19th century and were printed in mass production and in factories. Thus began the only Valentine’s Day we know today. Hallmark and flower shops have banked on what first started out as a…