• My Blog

    From Instant Pot Fear to Kitchen Triumph: My Journey to Loving Pressure Cooking

    Hello, fellow food enthusiasts! 🌟 (Look at me calling you names. Ha!) I’ve got a steamy confession to make – I was once terrified of my Instant Pot. Yes, that’s right. The kitchen gadget that’s been hailed as a game-changer had me quaking in my boots. I had this invision of it exploding, ripping the roof off, flying through the air, and landing in the next county over. Do you remember the old pressure cookers? That, alone, should explain my illogical fear. The Dawn of a New Kitchen Era It all began with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. The Instant Pot, with its myriad of buttons and functions, seemed…

  • My Blog

    To Instant Pot or Not

    MtnMan had an instant pot before I moved in, and I’ve said for 5 years now that I need to try that damn thing, but when I look at it, it’s way too complex for me so I use the crockpot instead. Three weeks ago I decided enough of that malarky. I’m using it! I chose ribs for my first trial. I say trial because I’m not sold on it. I mean, it was the latest craze several years ago, but I don’t get it, honestly. I just don’t get it. My first experience was an utter fucking disaster. First off, it took me several minutes to force the lid…