• My Blog

    My Favorite Month of Celebrations!

    Today we say goodbye to June and tomorrow we welcome in July with four weeks of birthdays and good vibes! July has, for a long time, been my favorite month of anniversaries to enjoy and all the reasons to celebrate! Some, have reluctantly given me “their days”, while others gladly handed them over. Thank you one and all; I love everyone else’s birthday! We have MtnMan, the House Boss (who in her own right is famous), Rodney, Abby (dubbed our favorite Golden), HmFast, Earnie, and closing out the month is Kevin (Kevin! KEVIN! K E V I N!). It’s a full month of happy times with another trip around the…

  • My Blog

    July: My Favorite Month!

    Happy seventh month of 2021, friends! This is a month of celebrations and happiness, from the very first day to the last one and several in between! We start the month off celebrating MtnMan (much to his chagrin) and we end July with the anniversary of my divorce. Yes, my past has been buried and mostly forgotten, my grievous mistakes all but a nightmare, but the signing of the paper will always be remembered and celebrated. So, we remember, no matter how happy I am today. We remember that day. But before that last day of the best month of the year, we have many, many birthdays! 1st: MtnMan75 –…