• My Blog

    Abigail Has a Sleepover

    We stayed up watching “Hell on Wheels” last night, keeping Abby up well past her bedtime. This morning she was still asleep when I opened her curtain, and that is unusual because she is usually grumbling to let us know she is awake a little while before I say my good mornings to her. Once she went out for her morning patrol, she was fed and we were putting our shoes on to go feed her cousin and go to breakfast. Abby stayed home. She was heartbroken, but as soon as she saw the truck pull in she forgot her misery and was a happy girl, wagging her tail and…

  • My Blog

    The Tulips, They Are to Blame.

    Abby is our kid, and where I go, she goes. Or, at least that is how it used to be, until the temps warmed up and now it’s too hot for her to stay in the truck. It is for her own good, but she does not know that. I mean, how could she, even though I tell her that’s the reason we are leaving her home… each time we leave her home. Last weekend we went to breakfast, and her face said it all. She was hurt and not too happy about being left, again. When we got home she appeared to be worried about getting into trouble, but…

  • My Blog

    Another Month in the Top Three

    Because you, I have been voted 2nd favorite for the month of May. You guys continue to support me and, because of you, I will always do the member shows. Not just the VNA, but also the Thursday night gold shows. Thank you to everyone that shows up for 5 minutes, or stays for the entire hour, each vote is appreciated and I hope that you know that.

  • My Blog

    A Member Suggestion . . . and an “Anal Pounding”

    A few months ago it was suggested that I start giving you all a weekly teaser of what the next video release will be. Although, a fantastic idea, it is one of many that has been added to my list of good ideas to add to my blog. Here is my first submission for a teaser, and one that I know will be well received by many of you that have been a long time member. And, when I say long time member, most of you that have been requesting this have been with me since the very first year. That is 13 years, with no plans of stopping. There…

  • My Blog

    Happy Birthday, Amber

    This post is a day late, but that does not mean it’s to be overlooked. Amber, I hope that you had a beautiful celebration and that you enjoyed a day of love and family. You are one of the sweetest souls I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, not just online, but in person. You are an absolute gem and you are appreciated. I hope that you have an amazing week and continue to be celebrated!

  • My Blog

    Avoiding Velociraptors

    Replying to @NakedTXAngel Velociraptors, and how you can avoid them I asked Twitter to give me suggestions on blog topics, and the above was a reply… so, here is my best shot: There are several ways to avoid Velociraptors, but I only have patience to give two suggestions. No, make that three. One: Common sense is imperative if you want to avoid Velociraptors and Natural Selection, also known as Darwinism. Two: When you jump into your time machine, don’t go back in time. You can’t change the past, but you can certainly avoid Velociraptors and their vicious hunting instincts. They will eat you dead. But, if you do not have the…

  • My Blog

    The True Meaning of Family

    Thank you goes out to Bubba, for this suggestion when I asked Twitter for my next blog topic. This is a broad opinion, based on feelings, experience and is different from person to person. It truly depends on the dynamics of each person and what they have gone through in their lifetime. And, really, two people who grew up together, as twins, can experience the exact same event in contrasting ways, taking on their own level of maturity and emotional plane. With that said, here is my viewpoint on the true meaning of family. As you age, you gain friends, but those people very rarely make it into the family…

  • My Blog

    Many Thanks…

    I have received so many packages over the last month and a half, and they all deserve special thanks. You all continue to amaze me with your thoughtful generosity. Whether for my birthday, or just because, each gift is appreciated. First, I should give a big shout out to BD, for the goody box you sent a couple of months ago. I apologize for not posting a message on my blog until now. However, some of your treats were used in my latest batch of Chex Mix, which was taken on our trip. I also grabbed a handful of the peanut butter crackers. I enjoyed every bite! Nicster, I love…

  • My Blog

    On the Road . . .

    We left a few hours ago and we are on our way to Montana, but stopping in Idaho Falls for two nights. It is a beautiful day with rain in the clouds and gloom in the skies. Abby was hugged, and loved on for most of the morning, and then again when she was sad to see the bags being packed. It was a sad sight to watch her mope about, so I gave her a new raw hide bone to take her mind off of what she knew was coming. It didn’t though. She continued to mope around, bone hanging from mouth as she followed me about.. I do…