• My Blog

    Voting and Stuff

    I am constantly reminded of the community that has been built around my site; it is truly amazing. It is something I had never imagined when I opened my amateur porn site almost 17 years ago. Monday nights are spent with members on the VNALive network (FREE access available with your membership), with titillating chats, catching up, a lot of laughs and some orgasmic fun. We once had an admin, DrDave, who was the best of the best. He encouraged voting, listed my site periodically throughout (for those that has FREE access via another website) and kept the rift rafts in check. Although, truthfully I have rarely had any issues…

  • My Blog

    Week of Chaos

    Actually, it’s going to be two weeks of chaos, but it’s fine. Everything is fine. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine. It’s fiiiine. We have someone staying with us through Tuesday afternoon, which means my online time will be extremely limited. I won’t be online for the members hour tonight, which is a bummer, but will be on in the morning for a few hours. I must sign off no later than 430p EST. Same with Monday. Tuesday mid afternoon our house guest leaves, but the handyman arrives that morning, which means I won’t be able to cam until the evening and then it will be evenings only through…

  • My Blog

    Member Chats

    If you are a member of my site (lonestarangel.com) you have access to my cam room via a link given by Streamate. This is a portal in which I allow you to have access into my cam room for daily chats and catch ups, and, of course, the weekly Thursday night gold shows. The gold shows are LIVE and FREE for members of mine, but you have to come in through the LIVE button within the memberside of the site. The first show starts at 11p EST, with the second one following soon after that one ends… Now that I’ve explained that for those of you that might be new…

  • My Blog

    VNALive – August

    I know I say this often, but I don’t think I can say it enough, I have the most amazing group of members. You guys continue to support me, no matter what network or the amount of frustrations that new software causes. You all remain loyal to me, even when I cancel a member show at the last minute. Last month I had 5 Monday’s on the VNALive network, cancelling 1 and only doing 40 minutes of another one, and you all still showed up to vote and it is only because of you that I placed second. I truly cannot thank you all enough; it is only because of…

  • My Blog

    COVID: Our Story

    Okay, so this is a post that I have contemplated for awhile, but each time I consider typing it out, I take a nap instead. But, here it goes. Before I give you our experience, I feel that I should disclose everything, or else it’s all just half truths. We have always socially distanced, so nothing much changed for us, except we no longer have family dinners as often as we used to. We cancelled our big wedding celebration which had 100 guests, and was going to be a 4-day event. We have had dinner with the family twice, our neighbors once, friends three times and even had our wedding,…

  • My Blog

    I am Back!

    Hello! It has been a rough 2 weeks plus a few days. Goodness. I might share my experience someday, but so far I really don’t have the energy to explain what it was like surviving COVID. I plan to take it easy for one more day and then will return to cam on Monday. It will mostly likely be 1-2 hour shifts with a break in between. I honestly have zero energy at this point, but I think some of that has to do with not being active for 17 days, and let’s face it, doing nothing does not come easy to me and it is exhausting! With that said,…

  • My Blog

    My Week Off of Cam

    It has gone by quickly, but probably because it was full of site work and Thanksgiving day celebrations. Regardless of that, it has been everything that I had hoped it to be. It was productive, beautiful with all the snowfall and full of family time. Today is my last day to work on my site, get caught up on all of my clip sites and many other fires I maintain throughout the year. It seems that no matter how much time I spend on upkeep and whatnot, I still get behind. I just have to step back and reevaluate the projects I have on my daily to-do list. With that…

  • My Blog,  Uncategorized

    Taking a Break from Cam Shows.

    I am taking next week off of cam and it will begin Saturday, November 23rd at 7p EST. I won’t be doing the weekly member shows; I’ve already rescheduled VNA and I will make it up to you on the Thursday night sessions we will miss. This also means there will be no Skype sessions scheduled, so email me and we can set something up for December. I will be working on my site, updating clip sites and trying to figure out a new site to see if it is worth a shot… But, that will hopefully be done in 2 days because the rest of my week is busy…

  • My Blog

    This Week, A Reminder.

    Alright, this next week is going to be a very short week for us online. I will only be on cam tonight, Monday, and Tuesday mid-afternoon and evening. I am offline the rest of the week, and won’t be on until the following Monday. Our Monday night VNA will still happen, but the Thursday members show won’t. If you are a member of mine, be sure to join me Tuesday night and I will do a few short gold shows (come in via my site, you have FREE access).

  • My Blog

    My Online Schedule

    This week I will be online Wednesday, off on Thursday. Let’s do our weekly member show Wednesday at 11p EST. I hope that you will all be able to join me, but regardless, I hope that you have a wonderful week! Next week (July 7th) will be a short week for me. I will be online Monday, Tuesday late afternoon/evening and only part of Wednesday. Like I said, it will be an extremely short week for me… Follow me on Twitter @NakedTXAngel for updates and reminders.