Butterfinger, What?
A few weeks ago I had half of a butterfinger; the next day MtnMan had the other half. We both decided that something has changed because it’s not the same good butterfinger flavor it once was. According to Gregg with 2 g’s, they changed the recipe, which explains why it is no longer a good candybar. My first assumption was that they went “healthier” because it is not as good as it once was. Okay, I admit, the assumption was more in liking to judgement and I was judging the candy maker hard. I mean, it’s a fucking candybar for fucks sake, that in itself, is unhealthy. Seriously, what candybar…
July: My Favorite Month!
Happy seventh month of 2021, friends! This is a month of celebrations and happiness, from the very first day to the last one and several in between! We start the month off celebrating MtnMan (much to his chagrin) and we end July with the anniversary of my divorce. Yes, my past has been buried and mostly forgotten, my grievous mistakes all but a nightmare, but the signing of the paper will always be remembered and celebrated. So, we remember, no matter how happy I am today. We remember that day. But before that last day of the best month of the year, we have many, many birthdays! 1st: MtnMan75 –…
A Rant that Has been Brewing
Holy fuck. This week can suck it! What the fuck is wrong with some people? Seriously, some people do not deserve the pleasure of socializing on the internet. “wow! I’m going broke jerking off to you!” (he took me private once, for 3 minutes, and I see him daily. ) “for a 44 year old you are sexy” (why do some find this to be a compliment. Sexy is sexy, no matter the age, don’t be a dick) “what I want is a bj, but you are not near.” (you’re on a fucking cam site you dickdweeb!) “hey, miss me?” (um, I see you daily and you went private in…
June is for June bugs
April showers bring May flowers, and June is for June Bugs. I just made that last part up, but it holds some truths. I mean, after the blooms come the bugs, followed by the heat. Ack! I am curious, does everyone have june bugs? And, to clarify a june bug is not just any bug that is found in the month of June. Nope. noun Also called May beetle. any of several large, brown beetles of the genus Phyllophaga, of the scarab family, appearing in late spring and early summer. green June beetle. Please disregard, “also called May Beetle” because that does not fit my narrative. These bugs are large, with hard shells and…
Olives are Eye Balls
Mom and Granny loved olives, more specifically olives stuffed with pimento and for the holiday’s they would have a tray with an assortment of olives. I was not an eater of olives. Nope. They were gross to me and I was not even interested in trying them; they looked like eyeballs! I remember asking, “Mom! Who wants to eat eyeballs?” and she laughed and said she quite enjoys them and I would, too, if I weren’t so set against liking them. *eye roll* Years later, and I mean 25+ years later, I tried black olives and loved them! Oh goodness, is this what Mom was talking about? Then I went…
Kids Know More Than We Give Them Credit For.
The only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon “quickie” with their 8-year-old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a Popsicle and tell him to report on all the neighbourhood activities. “There’s a car being towed from the parking lot,” he shouted. He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation: “An ambulance just drove by!” “Looks like the Andersons have company,” he called out. “Matt’s riding a new bike!” “Looks like the Sanders are moving!” “Jason is on his skate board!” After a few moments he announced, “The Coopers are having sex!!” Startled, his mother and dad shot up…
A Quickie
A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt and legs that won’t quit came to his table and asked if he was ready to order: “What would you like, sir?” He looks at the menu and then scans her beautiful frame top to bottom, then answers, “A quickie.” The waitress turns and walks away in disgust. After she regains her composure she returns and asks again, “What would you like, sir?” Again the man thoroughly checks her out and again answers, “A quickie, please.” This time her anger takes over, she reaches over and slaps…
Classic Rock and Good Cars
A topic in my cam room today was about how classic rock will still be listened to in the next century and someone chimed in to say Classic Rock is like old cars- good, solid and classic. Although, not all old cars are classics- take the Yugo for example, which I had to look up, there is nothing worth saving on that car. Plus, from the discussion, Yugo’s would fall apart while rolling down the street. What was your classic car growing up? What classic car do you wish you would have saved instead of scrapping? For me, it would have been one of my older brother’s ’65 Mustang. He…
May the Fourth Be With You
I know, I know. *groan* from all of those that don’t care for Star Wars. I am right there with you! I have never been a fan. If you put a SW film on the TV, I will promptly take a nap and only come out of my dreamland if Jar Jar Binks is on the screen, the Ewoks are running or the dude that talks backwards is talking at me. He makes me laugh, that Yoda. Other than that, I don’t care that what’s his name is Luke’s dad, which we didn’t find out about until recently, and the only reason I know that is because social fucking media…
Abby’s Rough Start to the Week
So…. you know Abby despises the Roomba, whom MtnMan has affectionately named the Dog Snatcher? It has been acting haywire for a month now, and last week while we were in Twin, I had it remap the entire house because after 10 reboots, the customer service people insisted that must happen in order to fix this problem. Yesterday it completed a job in 7 minutes, when 1 room takes 30-45 minutes, and when I sent it to clean another room, it left the home base and did donuts about 3 feet from the base and then kept head butting the sliding glass doors until it finally ended back up on…