• My Blog

    Abby and Her Happy Tail Wag

    I dropped Abby off with her extended family who had the backyard sprinklers turned on for her and it took her less than 2 minutes to run through them. She didn’t even say bye to me, so it’s a good thing I hugged and gave her a few kisses before I let her know she was going somewhere. Goodness, no “bye Mom, love you!”, but instead she about rolled her cousin saying hi, and then quickly calmed down with she got a growl in return. She sat, let the cousin sniff and say hi and then the cousin almost rolled her. LOL. Once the hello’s were over, Abby ran through…

  • My Blog

    Vag and Clits Room

    I was switching to the hotspot and had to select our Verizon ID from a very long list of local wifi’s in our area. Last week there was a “BigDaddyisHome” and yesterday there was “Vag and Clits Room”. The Big Daddy made me roll my eyes, but the Vag and Clits Room definitely caught my attention and peaked my curiosity. So, let’s speculate. Is it a kid that set up his grandparents wifi and they don’t know they are now home of the Big Clit or maybe it is some teenager that keeps changing the name of their wifi and the parents don’t know how to fix that? I have…

  • My Blog

    Abby the Golden

    She makes me smile, and she makes me love her, but she doesn’t always like my hugs and kisses. She is my shadow, my sweet girl and she is always under foot. I love that about her. I would miss her if she wasn’t always so curious about what I am doing, and I certainly couldn’t clean without her help. lol. But, that also means she always knows when we are leaving for a trip because as soon as I get a bag out, she is somber and so sad. She does not hide her sadness very well, and it is heartbreaking. For me, not for MtnMan. Let’s be clear…

  • My Blog

    Good Morning!

    I hope this finds you doing well and having a great start to your week. I would love it if you shared your weekend happenings with me… My weekend was busy, as usual, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Saturday I spent the day adding candid shots and videos to my Loyal Fans page, learning about Light Room (photo editing software), planning for new content shoots and getting set up for a day of custom videos. I also managed to make time to bake mexican brownies and make a corn side dish for taco night at a friends house. Sunday we started the day with breakfast and then spent all…

  • My Blog

    Tell Me Something Positive

    With everything going on this year, I feel disconnected from you all more than ever. Not just COVID, but MtnMan’s surgery, the doctor appointments and then we had a huge celebration planned for April that was cancelled, and I fell into a routine that didn’t involve staying present online, other than tweeting, member shows, camming and new content. Anyway, I am trying to break that mindset, and do more than just say “I am going to start blogging again, starting today!”, I am actually doing it this time. lol. So, share something positive that has happened this year. I will share two positives with you all. First, MtnMan and I…

  • My Blog

    Worthy of a Post

    I have become lax in my jotting of words here, and a lot of that is due to the year we’ve had, which started in January with MtnMan’s surgery. But then I slipped into a funk with nothing worthy of adding to the blog. However, I’d like to change that and today is a good day for that. Please join me in wishing the House Boss of Windsor Castle a very happy birthday. She is one who brightens our world, even though we only know her through Dwwindsor himself. I do believe we have met the true person that is known as the list maker of his world. I like…

  • My Blog

    Creek or Crick

    Do you call it a creek or a crick? I have always called it a creek, but Mom would say crick. I often wonder if it’s indicative to where you grew up. For me, everyone around me, with the exception of my parents, called it a creek, so I call it creek. However, I love it when I hear someone say crick. It makes me smile and I always think of Mom. She often said, “you’re going to be up the crick without a paddle” if I didn’t straighten up. With that said, I was fairly easy, kept to myself and was known to entertain myself, which was a parents…

  • My Blog

    Take the Damn Cookies!

    In February I started baking cookies and found that I really do enjoy it, but don’t often have the time to make them. Last week I spent a couple of hours baking MtnMan’s favorite – Chocolate Chip Walnut. It’s the only recipe that I have used because it’s so damn good. I intended for him to take most with him to work, and because there is a gentleman that has a nut allergy, I baked oatmeal cookies just for him. He only took half of each, leaving me with 2 bags worth of cookies that I found myself eating all afternoon, and sent him a text- Me: I thought you…

  • My Blog

    Are You a Picky Eater II

    A couple months ago I posted a “Are You a Picky Eater” but I found another one that I think will actually test the theory that some of you are picky as fuck! lol. Please appease me and play along, truthfully. I will share my “Are You a Picky Eater” in the comments section.

  • My Blog

    How Was Your Week?

    I am curious how everyone is doing and thought I would check in with you here, as well as Twitter and in emails. lol. My week has been extremely busy and good, but a lot of that is because I have not been largely affected by the shutdowns. I am very fortunate in that I work from home and I found my motivation after we got back from Salt Lake City in January, so I’ve been putting every waking moment into my site, clip stores and cam. It feels great to have that drive, again. I do hope to take a few days off soon and clean the house and…