Can You Open the Lock?
Our Reality.
For the most part, I try to stay away from news of the outside world and disasters that plague the world on a daily basis. And, to an extent I have been able maintain that mindset. To me, filling your immediate surroundings worried about something that is out of your control is counterproductive. However, with our current situation I feel that we are in this together, and it is up to all of us to check on each of us. What are you doing to keep some level of sanity during this time of quarantine? Are you a dissectologist? A cruciverbalist? Are you reading (a bibliophile) the stack of books…
Are You a Picky Eater?
Use 🤮 to mark what you would not eat, or just simply give us a list of what is in the “absolutely not” category. 1.Miracle Whip 🤮2.Pickles3.Almond Milk4.BlackJelly Beans 🤮5.Pineapple Pizza6.Sardines 🤮7. Oysters 🤮8.Sushi 🤮9.Candy Corn10.Vienna Sausages🤮11.Brussels sprouts12.Mushrooms13. Liver 🤮14.Circus Peanuts15.Bologna🤮16.Black Olives17.Green Olives18.Blue Cheese19.Fruitcake20.SPAM 🤮21.Cabbage22.Potato Salad23.Eggnog24.Black Coffee25.Anchovies 🤮26.Grits27.Sauerkraut28.Mountain oysters 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮29.Pigs feet 🤮30.Coleslaw Let’s see who plays!
Abigail’s Sunday of Trial and Tribulations.
I woke up to a migraine, which meant a late start to the day, and it also meant that MtnMan was the one to open Abby’s curtain and say good morning to her. I doubt that it was as cheerful as my good mornings, and I can certainly say there were no hugs. She, however, darted out of her bedroom with glee and happiness, probably stopping to say hi to Herbie and Kandy. It’s hard to say who received her first love nudge because, although, Herbie is always near her, she has a very soft spot for the new buddy that we welcomed a few weeks ago. At any rate,…
The Sun Shines
I don’t watch the news, and I have to say it is the healthiest break that I took when I left Texas. However, social media is consumed with current events to the point that it is not healthy. You can’t get away from the mass hysteria and panic of others. They spread it like fire, and I think we all need a break. In this thread, I would love for there to be interaction, and positivity. I want to hear about the good in your world. For me, it is that we are healthy and Abby is a constant joy. Yesterday I took the time to get my taxes organized…
Spring That Bullshit
I know I have said this many times, but what in the fuck is the reason for us to continue to spring clocks forward? Don’t answer that, it was a rhetorical question. There is absolutely no fucking reason that we need to change our clocks. NONE! It is not healthy and it is stupid. I think everyone that has a vote on the ballot needs to vote for abolishing Daylight Savings Time. This is your not so friendly reminder to spring your clocks forward tonight for the sake of losing an hour of sleep. For those of you that are sleep deprived already, you are just fucked.
Another Win!
Wow! Another month and another first place win. I know I say it often, but I have some amazing ladies and fellas, who keep me in the top three more than not. It is truly incredible how you all show up each Monday to cast your vote. Some of you join just long enough to vote, while others stay for a chat. I am honored that you all continue to support me in every way. It is only because of the group we have, that I am still doing the VNA shows. It has become the best hour of the week; it gives us a chance to catch up and…
A Kind Gesture
Hmfast sent me a tweet shortly before our 2 week stay in SLC to let me know he had something to send me and would be dropping it in the mail soon. I asked if he would mind holding on to it for awhile because I wasn’t sure when we would be able to make the trip to Twin again. He had no problem doing just that and last week when we took the day to make the drive, his package was waiting for me. A beautiful bracelet that was made by one of his guests that passes through his hotel around the holiday’s. It is, of course, elephant in…
February is Almost Over
Wow! It was just yesterday that I tweeted a goodbye to January, and now here we are with February in our rear view mirror. Or, at least, it feels like it was yesterday. Do you remember when we were kids, the days dragged on into what seemed like months, and we could not wait to turn 18 and get on with our lives. Oh, the simplicity of that wish for days to speed up, and now of wishing time would slow down. I would love to hear about something positive that happened in your life during the month.
Good People
I see so many tweets from ladies complaining about the annoying time wasters, and those who claim to be fans but really aren’t. And, I admit, I have tweeted out a rant, or three, regarding frustrations over those that take advantage, but I have been fortunate to meet some amazing people through my sites. Whether I have met you in person, or just online through one of the many avenues I use, I have a long list of amazing people to thank. I would do so individually, but the list is long and I’m afraid I would inadvertently leave someone off. The point of this thread is to show my…