• My Blog

    I Was Olive Oyl

    My Halloween costume was Olive Oyl. I was always Olive Oyl. The same plastic apron costume, with the creepy mask. I am sure that I have shared this with you before, but having been online for 12 years and being an active blogger for most of it, I cannot remember. I can’t remember what my twin brother was, but he was probably Popeye, and that is why I was Olive Oyl. I don’t recall ever being a huge fan, although, I did laugh while watching the cartoon shows. In fact, knowing my parents, we did not choose the costumes, it was whatever Mom found at the store the first year…

  • My Blog

    What is New in Your World?

    It has been awhile since I have checked in with those of you that read my blog, so I thought today would be a perfect time to change that.  If you follow my tweets, read my blog and join me on cam, you probably know what is going on in my world, but, in the event that you are not up to date on the happenings in my world, allow me to share more: Abby is 4 months old and I am positive that the terrible two’s have arrived and yes, they are real. She is getting taller, so she is lanky and still just as clumsy as ever. She…

  • My Blog

    Are You a Spring?

    I absolutely love the fall. The cooler temps, the changing of the seasons, the colors. It is just breathtaking, and beautiful. The blazing hot days of August are behind us, the chilly nights and cold mornings are in front of us. I have always loved the fall. It is when the leaves start to fall and the wind picks up, leaving the blooms blown about, with a dusty layer over them. It is a sign of changing times.  What is your favorite season?

  • My Blog

    You All

    Y’all (pronoun) You all; plural, more than one.  How are y’all doing?  You (pronoun) One person; singular How are you doing? …. “How are y’all doing” when you enter my cam room because you think it is cute, but there is only one of me, makes you look ridiculous. So, stop. Just stop! STOP!     

  • My Blog

    August: A Great Month

    August was a great month on my site, with a couple week long specials and a good list of new joins. If you were one that took advantage of the “Hot August Nights”  special that ran the first week of the month, and you have rebilled for September, you need to email me (angel@lonestarangel.com) to collect on your prize. You had to choose between three (3) options and it is only valid if you rebill into September.

  • My Blog

    Puppy Pick Up Has Arrived ! ! !

      When you read this, I will be holding a beautiful bundle of fur and happiness. She may or may not have a name by now, but regardless of that, she is already loved! I cannot wait to share her with you in tweets and an abundance of pictures. I think she will be an Instagram Golden because, well, why not? Instead of flooding my twitter TL with her #dailypics, I think an IG account is more fitting. With that said, she will also be on twitter. lol.

  • My Blog

    Weekend in PHX

    Weekend in PHX Our weekend in Phoenix was short, but packed with fun, mixed in with training. It was Rob’s birthday, which we spent at the ballpark watching the Braves, but we also made time to learn how to edit a video. Rob took the time to set it up prior to our arrival and it was a quick, but very informative couple of days. It is always great to see Rob and Dawn. They are good people who are generous with their time and knowledge, and always fun energy to be around. So, thank you both, for sharing your weekend with us, but especially a birthday. I hope to…

  • My Blog

    What Relaxes You?

    We all have a routine after work, that helps us wind down from the day. For me it used to be playing Toyblast; it allowed me to escape and just forget, without making me think. I still play TB on my breaks and during idle times, but I now I read to rest my mind and to allow me to get ready to sleep. What do you do after a long day at work that gets you ready for bed?