• My Blog

    Second Week into September

    Wow, it seems like we were just starting August, and here we are on the second week of September. I’ve had a lot of changes over the last couple of years, and it seems that there are more in the near future. All good things, though, I assure you of that! Before I share my big news with you, let me give a big thank you to those of you that have stood by me. Most of you were happy for me when I made a big change, and you patiently stood by me without demanding answers that were not yours to have. Nothing changed with my site, with the…

  • My Blog

    News And Happenings

            The Burning Man Event   August 25th – Sept 3rd   Join my site between these dates and gain an extra two weeks with your membership. This is a special that I do not offer very often, so take advantage of it while you can.    $19.95 for 4 weeks, plus 2 FREE (Recurring membership)   $21.95 for 4 weeks, plus 2 FREE (No Rebilling)       The Hot August Night’s Special August 3rd – August 13th If you joined my site during this week long special, you must email me to receive your gift. Please read below for details.    Longevity has its rewards.…

  • My Blog

    … This Just In …

    I have 20 peanut patties, but after counting them, there is only 16 total. I am currently eating one, as I type this. That will leave 15; three of which are in the freezer, 12 are in my snack locker.  And, I still think I missed my calling. I should have been a PROFESSIONAL elephant hugger! 

  • My Blog

    Mountain’s Are Cloaked in Smoke

    With California burning and Nevada and Utah also on fire, a thick smoke cloud has covered this area for weeks. It was starting to lift, but more fires started and now it has settled back in, with no relief in sight. I cannot see the mountains right now and, although it looks like a thick fog (which I find beautiful), it has an ugly undertone to it. It appeared grey and gloomy this morning and then I realized that it was the smoke from all of the fires. Even the sun is sad.  I love weather. Torrential downpours, snowing; it is all beautiful. I enjoy gloomy days more than I…

  • My Blog

    Vacation Bucket List

    I have never really had a bucket list for anything, especially vacations, but there are a few places I hope to experience in my lifetime.  Of course, the top on the list is to hug an elephant at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Orphanage. The do amazing work that is selfless and so giving for the babies that find themselves alone in the wild.  The rest is in no particular order, or even a definite that it will happen, but a place that I have always wanted to see.  Montana Colorado (I’ve been a few times, but would love to road trip it through the mountains) SF – Seattle by car…

  • My Blog

    Stepping Up on a Soapbox

    I am stepping up on a soapbox… It truly fucking annoys me when some people respond to a comment, or a conversation, with an opposing view for the sake of argument. It is not cute and it certainly is not going to give you the kind of attention you might be craving. How about just have a conversation and not feel the need to interject with needless bullshit.  We all need that human connection, whether it be in person or through online avenues. Having a conversation is one thing, but disagreeing when their is no need for it is another. I am not suggesting that we all agree and have…

  • My Blog

    Happy Birthday!

    Today is a gift, and one that I feel is important and should be celebrated! Please join me in wishing Mrs. Dwwindsor (also affectionately known as House Boss) a very happy birthday! I have come to adore this lady who makes me laugh and she is just good energy. Plus, she keeps DW on his toes and, let’s be real, that is probably a fun job for her. lol. She amuses me and I am thankful that Dwwindsor shares a little bit of her with us. A sweet, sweet spirit.  Happy, happy birthday to the lady of Windsor Castle. *hugs* Today should be celebrated and recognized, even if quietly.