Worthy of Celebrating!
Goodness, July is a great month to celebrate! There are so many birthdays in the seventh month of the year, and I am here for it! Today we celebrate HMfast. If you join me Monday’s on the VNALive network, you know him to be the perpetually late one that makes it just in time to vote, while we’re eating our snacks. Many of you know him through twitter, but what you might not realize is he’s an incredibly giving person. He does so much for others it is truly inspiring. He should be celebrated not just on his day, but every day! HM, please know that I truly appreciate you,…
Send Me a Number
Alright, I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile now, but thought it would be great to hopefully get some interaction going. It is true, some of what is listed are dumb or just plain ridiculous, but ignore that and send me a number! Here is the catch, though. I will respond and then send you a number. Are you game?
Abby the Golden Turns 5
It seems like we were just on our way to Idaho to pick up a cute, furry faced puppy, and here we are celebrating her fifth trip around the sun. She’s sweet. She’s lovable. She’s every bit quirky. She’s a Momma’s girl that is perpetually on team Dad. She loves swimming, rolling in dirt, her tennis ball(s) and all of her buddies. She’s got so much love to give, but hates my hugs. She puts up with my hugs, but grunts, groans, scoffs and sometimes grumbles. She is a talker; always talking. She walks through the house talking. She’ll sit on my feet, look straight up at me and tell…
Another Important Celebration!
Today marks the anniversary of Rodney’s birthday, and for that we celebrate! He’s been a member of mine for longer than I can recall. He has followed me across networks and platforms, always being one of the first to sign up for a new site. Without giving away too much of his story, he’s been in and out of surgeries for the better part of 6 years, possibly more, and yet he continues to be positive and a joy to chat with. Even on his worst days, he remains upbeat, supportive and always the first to respond to tweets; with a plethora of compliments. He is a an absolute gem…
Another Trip for the House Boss
It is true, another trip around the sun has come to a close while another one begins for the House Boss. If you know, you know. She is the one who runs the Windsor Castle. The house of Dwwindsor. The keeper of Ted E. the cat. Although I suspect the latter actually runs the entire castle, but that is neither here nor there. Please join me in wishing the House Boss of Windsor Castle a very happy anniversary of her birth. This day was “gifted” to me and I take it very seriously because it is an important event! To the boss: I hope that you are doing well and…
Starting July with an Important Birthday!
What a great day for a birthday! Not only is it “your” anniversary, but it is the first day of a new month! That was fantastic planning. I’ve been a big fan of this one, for many years, and today is a good day for a good day! Please join me in wishing MtnMan a happy anniversary of his birthday. He is a cranky curmudgeon, but he’s a good one. One certainly worthy of recognizing and celebrating, even if he is rolling his eyes, as he reads this. To my MtnMan: You are the reason to celebrate today, and every day, so although you think it’s just another day, I…
My Favorite Month of Celebrations!
Today we say goodbye to June and tomorrow we welcome in July with four weeks of birthdays and good vibes! July has, for a long time, been my favorite month of anniversaries to enjoy and all the reasons to celebrate! Some, have reluctantly given me “their days”, while others gladly handed them over. Thank you one and all; I love everyone else’s birthday! We have MtnMan, the House Boss (who in her own right is famous), Rodney, Abby (dubbed our favorite Golden), HmFast, Earnie, and closing out the month is Kevin (Kevin! KEVIN! K E V I N!). It’s a full month of happy times with another trip around the…
My “Workout” Routine
You might be wondering why I’ve used quotations around workout, and I’ll get to that, but first let me just say, working out has never been in my routine. I played softball in school and was on the traveling all-stars, and went to state. Even then, working out was not in my routine. To workout was the same as being punished, so as an adult, I have forever chosen not to punish myself. Until recently. I’ve noticed that I’m losing muscle mass and feeling stiffer in the mornings. Hell, I am stiff even after hours spent on cam each day. My “Workout” Journey: Six months ago: I decided I should…
Memorial Day
What today means to me: Memorial Day isn’t the day that starts summer, nor is it the day that gives me an excuse to head to the lake to drink like a fool. Memorial Day is the one day that we, as a country, actually stop to think about our freedom. It’s the one day that, as a whole, we appreciate those who gave their lives and sacrificed their futures so that we could have one. Many never made it home while others did, but let us not forget what they ultimately gave. Their lives. I’m thankful for all soldiers, nurses, families and lives from past and present wars and…
Poll Results
A couple months ago I added a couple new options to my site, one being a weekly Poll and had 15 votes come in. With it being new, I appreciate that there were that many, so thank you! Before I give you the results, allow me to acknowledge the fact that I have already failed on maintaining the poll for reasons no other than I simply forgot. Insert *face palm* I will correct that today, so if you’re reading this, and you are a member of my site, please go to the club area and place your votes! What would you like to see more of? Boy-Girl —> 5 votes…