• My Blog

    A Manatee Hug!

    While we were in Mexico I had the opportunity to swim with Manatee’s and it was everything I knew it would be! They are so gentle, sweet and adorable! They have soft bites, fat noses and lovable kisses. One of them grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me off of the platform, which gave me the perfect opportunity to really hug on her. After I made it back to the platform she patiently waited for me to realize I still had the lettuce in my hand and, it turns out, that is all she wanted to begin with. So cute and everything sweet! If you have not read my…

  • My Blog

    November: the Month of the Manatee!

    November is Manatee awareness month and that makes me smile! If you are not aware of what a manatee is, let me enlighten you. They are gentle cows of the sea. They are fat, sweet in nature, with a snout to love. They are vegetarians and do not prey on anyone. They are sweet and should be cherished and protected. Many are run over by boats and some will die while others are lucky to be rescued by groups who will nurse them back to health. Once healed, they are tagged and returned to their natural habitat in the hopes they will be safe. The most famous manatee of them…