• My Blog

    Happy May Day

    Happy May Day to you and yours! Did you know that this was a day that was celebrated by the International Worker’s day in the late 19th century? In fact, it was chosen by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Hamarket affair in Chicago. Well, that does not sound like an event worthy of keeping it a tradition, but whatever.  The earliest May Day was the Festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, that was held during the Roman Republic era. But, in the Germanic countries it was with the Walpurgis Night. The Gaelic Beltane was on April 30th and in the European pagan…

  • My Blog

    Happy May Day 2021

    “April showers bring May flowers” was my favorite season as a kid. I have always enjoyed rainstorms, no matter how severe, and May was full of blooms and new growth after all of the April storms. Here we are starting another month, fresh and that is good reason to smile. Another month, another week, another day. It’s a good day for a good day! Did you know that this was a day that was celebrated by the International Worker’s day in the late 19th century? In fact, it was chosen by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Hamarket affair in Chicago. Well, that does not…

  • My Blog

    May Day

    Happy May Day to you and yours! Did you know that this was a day that was celebrated by the International Worker’s day in the late 19th century? In fact, it was chosen by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Hamarket affair in Chicago. Well, that does not sound like an event worthy of keeping it a tradition, but whatever.  The earliest May Day was the Festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, that was held during the Roman Republic era. But, in the Germanic countries it was with the Walpurgis Night. The Gaelic Beltane was on April 30th and in the European pagan…