• My Blog

    Good Morning!

    I hope this finds you doing well and having a great start to your week. I would love it if you shared your weekend happenings with me… My weekend was busy, as usual, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Saturday I spent the day adding candid shots and videos to my Loyal Fans page, learning about Light Room (photo editing software), planning for new content shoots and getting set up for a day of custom videos. I also managed to make time to bake mexican brownies and make a corn side dish for taco night at a friends house. Sunday we started the day with breakfast and then spent all…

  • My Blog

    This Week, A Reminder.

    Alright, this next week is going to be a very short week for us online. I will only be on cam tonight, Monday, and Tuesday mid-afternoon and evening. I am offline the rest of the week, and won’t be on until the following Monday. Our Monday night VNA will still happen, but the Thursday members show won’t. If you are a member of mine, be sure to join me Tuesday night and I will do a few short gold shows (come in via my site, you have FREE access).

  • My Blog

    Summer Frenzy: August 1st – August 31st

    All new joins for the month of August will be entered into a raffle: US Residents ONLY: Baked Goods (homemade cookies & chex mix) Panties ($35+ Value)  Non US Residents ONLY: 5 minute Custom Video ($75 Value) 10 minute Skype Session ($35 Value) I will draw names during the VNA member’s cam on September 2nd. You do not have to be present to win.

  • My Blog

    My Online Schedule

    This week I will be online Wednesday, off on Thursday. Let’s do our weekly member show Wednesday at 11p EST. I hope that you will all be able to join me, but regardless, I hope that you have a wonderful week! Next week (July 7th) will be a short week for me. I will be online Monday, Tuesday late afternoon/evening and only part of Wednesday. Like I said, it will be an extremely short week for me… Follow me on Twitter @NakedTXAngel for updates and reminders.

  • My Blog

    This Week at a Glance

    This week I will be online Monday-Friday, instead of taking Wednesday off. And, my Thursday will be short lived, so let’s plan on doing the member’s show Friday, instead. Monday and Tuesday I will be on most of the afternoon and evening, as usual, with the #VNALive show at 11p EST. Wednesday I will be online most of the day and well into the evening, but my dinner break might be a little bit longer than usual. Follow my tweets. Thursday I have to be in town early, for an appointment and then will get my nails done. I hope to be online by 4p EST and will be online…

  • My Blog

    No Member Show Tonight

    Another reminder that I am in North Texas and not able to guarantee that I will be online for the weekly member’s show tonight(11p EST). If I am online, please join me through the site link for easy access, but I will not be doing the member’s show, regardless. lol. I know, wishy washy to an extent, but without knowing whether or not the wifi will be stable enough to host a 1 hour member show, I’d rather save the frustrations and make it up to you next week…

  • My Blog

    North Texas

    Next wednesday, February 13th, I will be flying to north Texas with MtnMan and we will be there for eight days. I will stay connected as much as possible, tweeting, and hopefully camming here and there, but with that said I won’t know how strong the internet connection is until we arrive. I will most definitely keep the VNA schedule as is, because that won’t take much wifi to stream. However, the network cam sites is another story. So, let’s plan on doing the Thursday member’s (Feb 14th) show the following week. I will obviously be tweeting and reminding you guys with another blog thread, so as to not have…

  • My Blog

    The Decision Has Been Made

    Over the last month I have asked you guys about switching things up with the weekly member shows. For the last twelve years I have done a show every Tuesday night but I have been wondering if it is time to make a change. I tweeted, blogged and set up a poll on the site. After reading all of the reviews and comments I have decided to start doing Thursday’s at 11p EST. This change was made based on all of the comments, but also because I think that a Thursday show will break up the week for us all instead of having 2 back to back shows early in…