• My Blog

    The People’s Voice: Why Your Vote Matters in the Monthly Polls

    As you know, I’m all about creating content that makes you go wild (in the best way possible, of course!). But, I need your help to make sure I’m on the right track. That’s where the monthly polls come in – your chance to have a say in what you want to see more of, what you’re not feeling, and what changes you’d like to see on my website. Why Your Vote Matters Think of the polls as a virtual whisper in my ear, guiding me to create content that’s tailored to your desires. Your vote helps me understand what you’re craving, what’s working, and what needs a little tweaking.…

  • My Blog

    VNALive Shows

    After much consideration, I have decided to no longer host member cam shows. This was not an easy decision for me, but I feel that after 17 years of doing weekly shows, it is time to refocus and try new ventures.  I have come to cherish the friendships forged during those hours, and I will forever be grateful to those of you that chose to spend an hour of your week with me. Some of you joined me weekly, while others joined every so often. Please know that I appreciate the loyalty and support.  I am kicking around the idea of doing an hour every month, or so, maybe on…

  • My Blog

    Time Offline

    I will be taking off Labor Day, with MtnMan. It’s not often that we have 2 days off in a row, so when we do it’s pretty amazing. We plan to get Abby out of the house and let her have a day for her. She cannot go swimming, but maybe we can let her do some bird hunting, if she feels up to it. We are going to let her decide. I will be online for the weekly VNALive show Monday night at 11p EST, and I do hope to see you all there. Tuesday will be the ONLY day that I am on lonestarangel.cammodels.com because Wednesday morning I…

  • My Blog

    VNALive “News”

    UPDATE:  “A Texas court granted on Thursday a preliminary injunction to Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and its co-plaintiffs, blocking the Texas Attorney General from enforcing the state’s controversial anti-porn age verification law while the case is litigated.” (reference: XBiz.com/news) I am sure you’ve been hearing about the new “anti-porn” laws that are going into effect in certain states, which is forcing the online world to jump thru even more than we already do. Starting in September, Texas is joining Utah and Louisiana in blocking all porn sites, unless you verify your identity. Obviously, with VNALive you have never been required to do so, because you can be a member of…

  • My Blog

    A Reminder, and a Hello.

    Happy Monday and a hello to you from the Salt Flats. It’s an early start to what is going to be a very long day, as we set off to our next great adventure. MtnMan is driving and instead of taking a nap, which is what I usually do across the flats, I decided to blog. So here I am. I hope you’ve had a great start to your week and that it’s a successful one, no matter what it is you choose to do. I will be out of town until next Monday, getting home mid afternoon and in time for the VNA hour (May 22). Today, however, I…

  • My Blog

    Rescheduled VNA

    I need to reschedule Monday’s VNA hour because we will be out of town, and I won’t be at a computer during the scheduled time. Let’s meet Saturday, May 27th at 10p EST instead. (yes, 10p so that another member can hopefully make this one) I will remind you, don’t worry. Ha!

  • My Blog

    Another VNA Win!

    I am terrible at posting our wins, and I’ll be the first to admit that. It’s been months since I’ve shared the news here, but you guys keep me in the top three more than not. It does not go unnoticed that without you, I would not place in the top as often as I do. Seriously, I appreciate every one of you that has made it your mission to vote. There are far too many to list, so let me just acknowledge you as a whole: To those that show up, without fail, thank you. You guys choose to spend an hour of your Monday night with me, and…

  • My Blog

    Good Morning!

    I hope this finds you doing well and having a great start to your week. I would love it if you shared your weekend happenings with me… My weekend was busy, as usual, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Saturday I spent the day adding candid shots and videos to my Loyal Fans page, learning about Light Room (photo editing software), planning for new content shoots and getting set up for a day of custom videos. I also managed to make time to bake mexican brownies and make a corn side dish for taco night at a friends house. Sunday we started the day with breakfast and then spent all…

  • My Blog

    My Online Schedule

    This week I will be online Wednesday, off on Thursday. Let’s do our weekly member show Wednesday at 11p EST. I hope that you will all be able to join me, but regardless, I hope that you have a wonderful week! Next week (July 7th) will be a short week for me. I will be online Monday, Tuesday late afternoon/evening and only part of Wednesday. Like I said, it will be an extremely short week for me… Follow me on Twitter @NakedTXAngel for updates and reminders.

  • My Blog

    No Member Show Tonight

    Another reminder that I am in North Texas and not able to guarantee that I will be online for the weekly member’s show tonight(11p EST). If I am online, please join me through the site link for easy access, but I will not be doing the member’s show, regardless. lol. I know, wishy washy to an extent, but without knowing whether or not the wifi will be stable enough to host a 1 hour member show, I’d rather save the frustrations and make it up to you next week…