• My Blog

    This Week, A Reminder.

    Alright, this next week is going to be a very short week for us online. I will only be on cam tonight, Monday, and Tuesday mid-afternoon and evening. I am offline the rest of the week, and won’t be on until the following Monday. Our Monday night VNA will still happen, but the Thursday members show won’t. If you are a member of mine, be sure to join me Tuesday night and I will do a few short gold shows (come in via my site, you have FREE access).

  • My Blog

    North Texas

    Next wednesday, February 13th, I will be flying to north Texas with MtnMan and we will be there for eight days. I will stay connected as much as possible, tweeting, and hopefully camming here and there, but with that said I won’t know how strong the internet connection is until we arrive. I will most definitely keep the VNA schedule as is, because that won’t take much wifi to stream. However, the network cam sites is another story. So, let’s plan on doing the Thursday member’s (Feb 14th) show the following week. I will obviously be tweeting and reminding you guys with another blog thread, so as to not have…