• My Blog

    North Texas

    Next wednesday, February 13th, I will be flying to north Texas with MtnMan and we will be there for eight days. I will stay connected as much as possible, tweeting, and hopefully camming here and there, but with that said I won’t know how strong the internet connection is until we arrive. I will most definitely keep the VNA schedule as is, because that won’t take much wifi to stream. However, the network cam sites is another story. So, let’s plan on doing the Thursday member’s (Feb 14th) show the following week. I will obviously be tweeting and reminding you guys with another blog thread, so as to not have…

  • My Blog

    A Day to Recognize as Special.

    Today is Outlaw’s birthday, and this is one day that should be recognized and celebrated. He is my longest running member, and that, in itself, is pretty fucking amazing, but besides that, he is a stand up gentleman who has proven to be a good friend and a loyal one at that. Longest running member, and loyal friend do go hand in hand. He has jumped three networks with me in the 12+ years that I have been online, and that does not include all of the many cam sites that I have tried over that time period, all of which he has joined with me.  Outlaw, I do wish…

  • My Blog

    Stephen: Today is a Happy Day!

    You, much like the rest of my fella’s, do not think today is a big deal, but I beg to differ. It is your day, and it is a good day to celebrate in a way that makes you smile. Staying in bed, drinking tea and watching TV sounds like it was a perfect beginning to your plans. No matter what, I just want you to enjoy today for what it is, and that is your day!  Please join me in wishing Stephen a wonderfully happy birthday. He has consistently been supportive and always full of encouragement, even when he has had a bad day. He is good people. 

  • My Blog

    It is True, I LOVE Today. . .

    . . . and everything it stands for! Today is a day worthy of acknowledgment and celebration! Even if it is just to lift a cup to Dwwindsor in honor of the anniversary of his birthday. A cup of coffee, a glass of scotch, a drink of choice, it does not matter. Lift your cup and wish a very happy anniversary to our resident scholar and bloviator of sorts.  DW – I know that today is no big deal to you, but it is to me and I love, love, love that you gave me your day so that it can be celebrated and never forgotten! Thank you!  Happy, happy…

  • My Blog

    Red, Today is Yours . . .

    . . .so be happy and celebrate! Years ago you asked that I not make a big deal of it, or even mention it to our online community, however, last year you made mention of it in the chat room, voiding all previous requests of silence. So, today I would like to wish you a very happy birthday! I hope that you have had a beautiful day with family and friends.    PS- thank you for slipping up and doing this to yourself. I love celebrating birthday’s! 

  • My Blog

    Weekend Plans?

    It has been awhile since we have had interaction here, so I thought I’d open a thread that hopefully some of you will respond to. What are your weekend plans?  I am going to an early morning soccer game, then home to let Abby out of her kennel for a bit while I make a grocery list and then go to the store. After that I have a list of stuff I am hoping to accomplish. But, we shall see. It seems my Saturday’s are full and I get a little bit done, but I am hopeful.  There are a few birthday’s this weekend, and that is exciting for me.…

  • My Blog

    News And Happenings

            The Burning Man Event   August 25th – Sept 3rd   Join my site between these dates and gain an extra two weeks with your membership. This is a special that I do not offer very often, so take advantage of it while you can.    $19.95 for 4 weeks, plus 2 FREE (Recurring membership)   $21.95 for 4 weeks, plus 2 FREE (No Rebilling)       The Hot August Night’s Special August 3rd – August 13th If you joined my site during this week long special, you must email me to receive your gift. Please read below for details.    Longevity has its rewards.…