• My Blog

    This Week, A Reminder.

    Alright, this next week is going to be a very short week for us online. I will only be on cam tonight, Monday, and Tuesday mid-afternoon and evening. I am offline the rest of the week, and won’t be on until the following Monday. Our Monday night VNA will still happen, but the Thursday members show won’t. If you are a member of mine, be sure to join me Tuesday night and I will do a few short gold shows (come in via my site, you have FREE access).

  • My Blog

    The Decision Has Been Made

    Over the last month I have asked you guys about switching things up with the weekly member shows. For the last twelve years I have done a show every Tuesday night but I have been wondering if it is time to make a change. I tweeted, blogged and set up a poll on the site. After reading all of the reviews and comments I have decided to start doing Thursday’s at 11p EST. This change was made based on all of the comments, but also because I think that a Thursday show will break up the week for us all instead of having 2 back to back shows early in…