• My Blog

    Happy Holidays to Your Merry Christmas!

    Welp, here we are, once again; it’s the holidays. For some, it is the best time of year, but for others it is a struggle. While I am not in agreement that it is the best time of year, I no longer hate it as I once did. Progress. Healing. Self Worth. Call it what you will. December is a much easier time for me than it once was and for that I am grateful for. A close friend enlightened me earlier in the week that for her, it’s a time of giving and seeing people do good for others, and yes, the christmas lights and all of the traditions.…

  • My Blog

    Happy Holidays

    I’ve been trying to get in the mood to post for days now, but eh, December. It’s tough. I believe it’s a stressful time even for those of us that don’t really celebrate it. It’s, well, it’s the holidays and there is just way too many activities that keep us all busy. Company parties, shopping, being merry, keeping it cam-room-festive. It’s just blah. Ugh. Okay, so that wasn’t at all what I intended to share with you, so allow me to start anew. Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas to those of you that believe. Christmas was a trying time in my house growing up. It wasn’t miserable, by any…