• My Blog

    Good News: The Owl Lives!

    Early this week I shared with you our experience with the “Owl vs. Eagle”, and today I have some good news to share with you. We drove through the canyon yesterday, and checked the bush where Mtnman left the owl after his traumatic experience with the eagle. He was not there, nor were there feathers or other debris that would tell us he met a dreadful end. Nope. There was no sign of him, and this made me so happy. As we were leaving the canyon the owl flew over us, dipped his wings (a wing wave), circled back and over us again, before flying off. I choose to believe…

  • My Blog

    Eagle vs. Owl

    Sunday we were out and about, driving into a canyon in the mountains. An owl flew over head and into a crevice of a rockface, and I thought what a neat sight to see. I’ve always been fascinated by owls because Granny loved her some owls. Her house had owl clocks, figurines and nicknacks, cookie jars and plates. Like I said, she loved her owls. Here in Nevada I’ve had the chance to see a lot of owls and I am just in awe each time we come across one. We were in the canyon for probably about an hour and as we were making our way out, we saw…