• My Blog

    What is New in Your World?

    It has been awhile since I have checked in with those of you that read my blog, so I thought today would be a perfect time to change that.  If you follow my tweets, read my blog and join me on cam, you probably know what is going on in my world, but, in the event that you are not up to date on the happenings in my world, allow me to share more: Abby is 4 months old and I am positive that the terrible two’s have arrived and yes, they are real. She is getting taller, so she is lanky and still just as clumsy as ever. She…

  • My Blog

    Your Reading List

    I have gotten back into reading now that I am settled and finally finished with the divorce. It is relaxing and I enjoy reading different subjects, much more than I used to. It seemed like one I found a subject, I would go to the book store and buy as many books on that one topic, that I could find. Now, I have a whole stack of books that are from all sorts of fields.  I am currently reading “Winter in Madrid”; it is a good read, but it took me awhile to get into it and now I can hardly put it down to go to sleep. While on…

  • My Blog

    Bunny Sighting

    Sunday Night MtnMan spotted a cottontail hopping out from the spaghetti squash and taking cover behind a couple big boulders. I only saw the top of his head, and he squished down further once he realized he could be spotted. Adorable!  I was hoping that he would take cover in amongst the veggies so that he could live with us, in harmony. lol. But, alas, he must have moved on because it is day 2 and there has been no sighting of his cute face.   

  • My Blog

    I Tell You Mine, You Tell Me Yours

    My weekend was busy, but amazing! I started my day going to a soccer game; we won. Then I stopped by to see MtnMan and he surprised me with lunch, which is always nice; I had tater tots. From there I went to the grocery store; the young man knew how to bag groceries, so no complaints there. I made it home and got started on the dresser project, but only had 2.5 hours to devote because I wanted to go fishing; we caught two bass. Priorities. Sunday I was on cam, earlier than usual so we skipped the diner. So, about this dresser project. I have been applying paint…

  • My Blog

    Another Gem . . .

    While we were in Texas I had the amazing pleasure of meeting Amber. She is just as sweet in person and she is online, with a wicked sense of humor. When I started this 12 years ago, I had no idea I would meet so many wonderful people, and some would become lifelong friends. I have been so fortunate in this online world that has been created around my site.  Molly, thank you so much for making the drive to Bastrop to have breakfast with MtnMan and me, especially because your days off are scattered through your weeks and you hardly have time to relax as it is. Thank you from…

  • My Blog

    Not Much Notice…

    G’afternoon and a very happy Monday from me to you! I hope that you had a restful weekend, and that the week has gotten off to a fantastic start.  This week will be somewhat normal, with the exception of tomorrow (Tuesday). I am going to make a custom video in the morning, and then will be on cam, but it will be short lived. MtnMan needs to go out of town to pick something up and I have decided to ride with him. While gone I will be filming new content, so I will still be connected, just not on cam after 6p EST. I will be back online Thursday,…

  • My Blog

    Stepping Up on a Soapbox

    I am stepping up on a soapbox… It truly fucking annoys me when some people respond to a comment, or a conversation, with an opposing view for the sake of argument. It is not cute and it certainly is not going to give you the kind of attention you might be craving. How about just have a conversation and not feel the need to interject with needless bullshit.  We all need that human connection, whether it be in person or through online avenues. Having a conversation is one thing, but disagreeing when their is no need for it is another. I am not suggesting that we all agree and have…

  • My Blog

    Yadda, Yadda, Chitty-Chatter

    Last week was spent in Texas and away from my computer, but I still managed to spend a good part of the week doing new videos and content. I was active on Snapchat, adding vids and pics throughout my week, so join today so you don’t miss out on any of the fun. I do a little bit of everything on there, from solo selfies, to fun videos during content shoots and even roadside blowjobs, if the mood strikes. I also have fun while driving to the Post Office, getting completely naked and flashing truckers.  You might have heard that while I was in Texas my divorce was finalized. A…

  • My Blog

    No Member Shows This Week

    This is a reminder that I won’t be online this week, so the member shows will be rescheduled for next week. This will be the only post, so I hope that you stay in touch with my tweets and blog posts, or else you might be confused when you look for me this week… Next week the schedule is as follows: Sunday – VNA at 11p EST Monday – VNA at 11p EST Tuesday – VNA at 11p EST Thursday – VNA at 11p EST 

  • My Blog

    No Crumbs in Bed!

    BD- you are always so thoughtful and the last bundle you sent was a box of goodies to replenish my snack locker! Pretzels of all sizes, goldfish, and a couple boxes of ritz peanut butter crackers. I have always had a no-crumbs-allowed in my bed, and the only way to maintain that rule is to not eat anything that will create crumbs, while in bed, like pretzels. lol. I am breaking this rule daily now and I am not even upset about it!  Thank you for keeping my snack locker fully stocked!