• My Blog

    Always a Thoughtful One

    Molly, Thank you so much for always being thoughtful, kind and generous. It does not matter what your days are like, you always think of others first, whether it be your wit, kindness or thoughtfulness. You are a sweet, sweet lady!  Thank you for the soup, crackers, Victoria’s Secret coupons and the picture you sent off of my wishlist. I think I already know where it will be hung.   

  • My Blog

    Tuesday Moved to Thursday

    Last week I posted a thread regarding the 12 year long Tuesday show being moved to Thursday’s and that will begin this week. Consider this a friendly reminder and for details, please feel free to read through the threads previously posted… I will still be online at the normal time, just not running the 1 hour LIVE show. If you find yourself on my site and would like some company, feel free to join the chat. You simply click through the banner on the club page and into my room you will be dropped. If I am running a “gold show”, you will have FREE access.  I have two requests:…

  • My Blog


    Ack! Another weekend in the rearview mirror, and a new week ahead of us. What do you do to find your motivation? Do you listen to your favorite playlist on the radio, or do you find your zen in a coffee cup? Maybe you love on your pets, or pester your person?   

  • My Blog

    Sunday Funday!

    Sunday’s are best spent being lazy and taking a chance to slow down, and prepare for the upcoming week. It is rare that I take the day to lounge, but when I do I love for it to be Sunday. Now that I think about it, it has been a couple of years since I have made a point to spend Sunday being lazy. Maybe I need to change that… How do you like to spend your Sunday’s? 

  • My Blog

    Saturday Plans

    Whew! Today is busy from the time I open my eyeballs, until I go to sleep tonight. I am going into town to get my nails done and in order to do that without wasting 4 hours waiting, I must be standing outside the salon before they unlock the doors. That could be anywhere from 830-930, so I will be there at 845 and hope for the best! From there I am going to do a quick stop at my favorite antique store to see if they still have a dresser I spotted a couple weeks ago, and then to the grocery store. Once I am home, and hopefully that…

  • My Blog

    The Decision Has Been Made

    Over the last month I have asked you guys about switching things up with the weekly member shows. For the last twelve years I have done a show every Tuesday night but I have been wondering if it is time to make a change. I tweeted, blogged and set up a poll on the site. After reading all of the reviews and comments I have decided to start doing Thursday’s at 11p EST. This change was made based on all of the comments, but also because I think that a Thursday show will break up the week for us all instead of having 2 back to back shows early in…

  • My Blog

    Friday Outing

    I suppose this is a good a time as any to let you know that I will not be online Friday night. I am going to take the evening off and enjoy dinner out and about. I hope that you all know how much I have come to look forward to our evening chats, and maintaining a normal schedule helps with that; not just for me, but you! Whatever it is you decide to do with this free night I am giving you, I hope you enjoy it and have a great start to your weekend.

  • My Blog

    A Very Happy 4th to You!

    G’afternoon! I hope this finds you doing well and having a great day. Whether you are in the states, or in some far off land, like Canada, I wish you a happy 4th! Maybe you are down under, in which case it is the 5th, no longer today, but tomorrow, and I bid you a g’day! If you are in Europe with my token Brit, I don’t suppose you celebrate today for anything more than what it is, for today is a good day for a good day!  If you are one who is spending the day doing celebratory festivities, I hope you stay safe and remember that it is…

  • My Blog

    Your Votes . . .

    Those of you that join me on the #VNALive network have been incredibly good to me! I had the 2nd best show of the month of June, making that yet another win. I wish I would have been keeping track of all of the wins you have given me, but I have not. What I do know is that I have been in the top three more times than not, and that is because of each and every one of you, so thank you! 

  • My Blog

    Positive Vibes

    There is so much negativity in the world, especially on social media, and it is easy to get sucked into it, or turn it off. Either way it still spreads the bad energy. For me, I tend to disconnect all together, but then I find myself staying off of Twitter, which is how I stay connected with you guys, so it can be a double-edged-sword.  For this post, I would love for you to share something positive. It can be regarding something that just happened this week, or years ago. That is up to you, and you can share more than one story, or be as vague as you would…