• My Blog

    Not Sunshine and Fucking Butterflies

    This is not the thread I intended to post today, but Devil just called and said we are going into Austin after all. So, in order for me to really spread sunshine and give you some fucking butterflies, I need to save that for a time when I actually have more than five minutes to think up some happy shit for you. lol. Actually, the post for today is about Nelson’s garden and I have already started on it, so hopefully tonight or tomorrow…. or this weekend. LOL. Bye for now! *hugs*

  • My Blog

    Cam Sites and Technology

    I’ve spent all day outside, tearing up my hands and burning my back. I managed to clean up and look forward to the double feature tonight. It is, after all, the first time I’ve done two 1 hour cam shows in the same night. When I pulled up the sign in page, it gave me an invalid UN and/or PW. I tried for twenty minutes, then contacted Streamate…. I was finally able to sign in, but now it won’t let me load my chat room, which also streams my video. They are having issues, but claim to be working on resolving it. If you’re able to access some rooms, it…

  • My Blog

    Dwwindsor, You Leave Me no Choice.

    Last Friday you joined the VNALive.com show, giving us all a tour of your cat’s world. Teddy is adorable, which goes without saying, and he moved in without asking. Gotta love him for that! In a recent blog post comment column I mentioned we were all wondering about your sudden departure from a very intellectual conversation. I’m not certain what we were talking about. It was probably boobs, or belly button. Who’s to say, really? However, since you haven’t responded to the comment section of “Don’t Cut Another Person…” I decided to devote an entire thread in search for answers! I’m not the only one that’s curious, by the way.…

  • My Blog

    Nelson’s Pot

    Nelson pretty much did whatever it is Nelson wanted to do. However, he never jumped on the kitchen counters, drank from the toilet, knocked over glass objects out of spite, or climbed all of the book shelves. He claimed one shelf on my bookcase, which never varied, and one pot in the garden. It was his. This was known. It didn’t matter if there were plants in it, each spring he’d reclaim it. I learned to just give him a fresh dirt bed and he was happy. The Monsters have taken over the house, but the garden they’ve pretty much left alone. *knock on wood* All except one pot, which…