• My Blog

    Happy New Beginnings!

    It is that time of year where everyone says “happy new year!”, and some even go as far as making resolutions. With the way 2020 turned out, I feel as though we should look ahead as though it is a chance at a new beginning, and in a way it really is. We all have that uncertainty ahead of us, but we are in it together and as much as you are probably tired of hear that, it really is the truth. So, allow me to wish you a very “happy new beginning!”. The holiday’s were low key for us this year, which made me happy because if you know…

  • My Blog


    I saw this the other day and it speaks volumes to the year, and gives me hope for the next chapter in my life. Be present. Make love. Make tea. Avoid small talk. Embrace conversation. Buy a plant, water it. Make your bed. Make someone else’s bed. Have a smart mouth, and quick wit. Run. Make art. Create. Swim in the ocean. Swim in the rain. Rake chances. Ask questions. Make mistakes. Learn. Know your worth. Love fiercely. Forgive quickly. Let go of what doesn’t make you happy. Grow.

  • My Blog

    Investing into My New Beginnings.

    My site has always been 100% me, from the write-ups, to the blogging and definitely in all of the email correspondence. There is a lot more to maintaining the site than just the face of it on social media and with what is shown, but in content and producing videos. With everything else that I had on my plate, the editing and rendering of the videos and sorting the pictures was not something I bothered with. However, now I am going to dive in and learn how to do what I probably should have been doing all along. I have to admit, I am looking forward to it because this…