• My Blog

    October in the Rear View Mirror

    Oh goodness, October was a cluster fuck of travel and visiting family, but what an amazing month it was! I started the month off by visiting my family in the midwest, and it was an amazing visit. My second trip to see them this year and I plan on making a habit to visit them at least once a year. I haven’t always been close to family, but as I’ve gotten older and found happiness in life, I realize it’s time.. so, it’s up to me to make certain I stay connected and have no regrets. I was home for 4 days, which was long enough to give Abby hugs,…

  • My Blog

    October is a Fun Month

    The weather starts changing, the season moves from summer into fall and people start drinking their pumpkin spiced whatever and many are getting excited for Halloween. October is such a feel good month. For us, we’ve got a busy one, but really that’s nothing unusual these days. I’m out of town starting Friday evening, for 5 days, getting back just in time to pack for a 10 day journey, leaving Abby at her cousins house. She’ll be excited for a few days, then sad, which is always heartbreaking, but she’s loved and I know she’ll be fine. Even though she will be missing her people. So, hello October! I’m excited,…

  • My Blog

    October is Half Over

    Oh my heck, where did the month go, it’s halfway to November! I do love October because that’s really the beginning of fall and I’m all about getting closer to Thanksgiving. My October has been uneventful, and for that I am thankful. We are starting to spend our days off in the mountains and I am looking forward to the change. This year we’ve spent a lot of our days off putzing around the house or running errands, with the occasional hike. We’re both getting cabin fever because, although, neither of us are that social, we still tend to get out of the house for dinners and breakfast a lot…

  • My Blog

    Halloween Candy

    I am sure that I have posted this before, but with Halloween being right around the corner, it has me curious. What is your favorite halloween candy? Bubba made a good point last week about not all candy counts as halloween candy. So, if it is available year round, it does not count. For example, Snicker Bars. You can pick one up each time you fill up the car at the gas stations, or when you are in the checkout lane at the grocery store. So, those do not count. For me, it is hands down candy corn. I don’t know if I actually like them, like them, or if…

  • My Blog

    The Last Week. My Last Chance.

    Do you guys remember last month when I posted a thread regarding October and costumes? I vowed to wear a costume once a week. Not the same costume, mind you, but a different one each week. Yep. That was a pipe dream. I don’t know what it is about costumes, but they freak me the fuck out. Maybe it’s because I feel fake or goofy, or because I actually look goofy. Maybe it’s because they take a creative mind to actually pull it off. I don’t know, but I was that person who said I would do something and then didn’t do it. In fact, it took me half of…

  • My Blog

    October Costumes

    I’ve never been one for costumes, but I do have a huge plastic tub full of them in the barn. Are any of you guys big into Halloween? Is that your favorite month? Regardless of how you answer either of those questions, would you like to see me in costumes this year? If so, Would once a week, on random days, suffice? I’m trying to come up with new ideas to keep it fresh and fun, but I find myself doing the same thing each day…. So, earlier today it occurred to me that I could do that with the month of the goblins coming up. Thoughts?   PS- NO…