• My Blog

    What Are You Currently Reading?

    I’m curious, what are you currently reading? I’m always interested in new subjects, but don’t always make time to read anything out of my usual genre of WWII. I’ve got a stack of books still waiting to be read, and all of them are regarding the world war. Some are written by soldiers, while others are by war historians. I find that, while I do enjoy the perspective of those that lived through it, reading books by writers are sometimes easier to follow. However, I’ve started reading more autobiographies than those written by someone that has extensively studied the subject and become somewhat of an expert. Last month I decided…

  • My Blog

    Our Reality.

    For the most part, I try to stay away from news of the outside world and disasters that plague the world on a daily basis. And, to an extent I have been able maintain that mindset. To me, filling your immediate surroundings worried about something that is out of your control is counterproductive. However, with our current situation I feel that we are in this together, and it is up to all of us to check on each of us. What are you doing to keep some level of sanity during this time of quarantine? Are you a dissectologist? A cruciverbalist? Are you reading (a bibliophile) the stack of books…

  • My Blog

    Your Reading List

    I have gotten back into reading now that I am settled and finally finished with the divorce. It is relaxing and I enjoy reading different subjects, much more than I used to. It seemed like one I found a subject, I would go to the book store and buy as many books on that one topic, that I could find. Now, I have a whole stack of books that are from all sorts of fields.  I am currently reading “Winter in Madrid”; it is a good read, but it took me awhile to get into it and now I can hardly put it down to go to sleep. While on…

  • My Blog

    The Sharing Circle

    It has been awhile since we have had some interaction on this blog, and there are also some new joiners, along with my old time faithfuls. I would love for you to share something about yourself that we might not already know…  I will begin –> I have not decided if I like mushrooms yet, so I keep adding them to dishes and picking them out, one-by-one.  Also, I am currently reading book after book, while playing “word crossy”  and “toyblast” for fear my brain is getting too stagnant. 

  • My Blog

    Book Shelf

    Goodness, you guys have really have restocked my bookshelves. I have enough books to keep me reading for a few months, thank you!  Nick, I just received another book from you, and I just now realized I never “officially” thanked you for the first one! I look forward to reading them both, but the one I just picked up will be my next read. It is one that Dwwindsor suggested regarding WWII and a downed civilian airplane. I am currently reading a book on loan that was written by a survivor of Bastogne, and will probably be finished with that this weekend.