• My Blog

    Your Reading List

    I have gotten back into reading now that I am settled and finally finished with the divorce. It is relaxing and I enjoy reading different subjects, much more than I used to. It seemed like one I found a subject, I would go to the book store and buy as many books on that one topic, that I could find. Now, I have a whole stack of books that are from all sorts of fields.  I am currently reading “Winter in Madrid”; it is a good read, but it took me awhile to get into it and now I can hardly put it down to go to sleep. While on…

  • My Blog

    On My Nightstand . . .

    I just have a lamp, a framed picture, an elephant and a book on my nightstand. My latest read is Ken Follett’s “Night Over Water” that is a fictional read based on non-fictional events during WWII. It was one that Dwwindsor suggested and Nictster sent to me.  I have not gotten too far because at the end of my cam day I am usually tired and start to drift off after a few pages, but I hope to spend some time reading it tonight and maybe tomorrow.  What is on your nightstand?