• My Blog

    Banana Nut Bread and Cake

    I don’t know how it happened, or when it came about, but I love to bake. It’s fun, and I love trying different recipes and the end result is always a huge plus. However, I am a mess in the kitchen. It does not matter how I go about it, a mess is always created and the more I take my time, the bigger the mess. I have even pre-measured the ingredients because I read a stupid article about how keeping a clean kitchen is possible when you take the time to gather each element prior to mixing. Lies. It’s all lies! The only thing different was the timing of…

  • My Blog

    SW Chicken Recipe

    I know, I know, I’m a homemaker now and always talking recipes, but this is too good not to share with you. SW Chicken Recipe: Add paprika, a pinch of pepper and a dash of salt. Rub liberally until the chicken is covered in the rub. Move your grill to the SW side of your house and grill for approximately 35 minutes, or until done. I was not expecting the relocation of the grill and that made me laugh out loud!

  • My Blog

    I Am Human. I Am Not a Baker.

    I realized today that I am no baker, but I sure do love to bake, all the same. I have gotten much better with the mess and the kitchen does manage to stay somewhat clean and organized, so that’s an improvement. Today I baked Donut Muffins. It was easy enough and I wanted something to send with MtnMan to give to the gentleman that made homemade caramel for me a couple weeks ago. I’ve got it all mixed and ready to pour into the muffin tins when I suddenly realized that I used baking soda when it called for baking powder. I know baking is a science, so I knew…

  • My Blog

    Fall Days

    I absolutely love the fall season, and it may very well be my favorite time. There is just something so beautiful watching the colors change, the wind blowing a cool breath and the cold nights. It is the beginning of winter soups and chili’s, and I’ve already got a list of planned stews for the upcoming months. Granted, I tend to cook soups and stews through the summer months, but I usually don’t make chili unless it’s winter time. I don’t know if that’s planned as much as it is trained from childhood. It would get so hot in Texas that no matter how cold the a/c was, no one…