• My Blog

    Abby’s Rough Start to the Week

    So…. you know Abby despises the Roomba, whom MtnMan has affectionately named the Dog Snatcher? It has been acting haywire for a month now, and last week while we were in Twin, I had it remap the entire house because after 10 reboots, the customer service people insisted that must happen in order to fix this problem. Yesterday it completed a job in 7 minutes, when 1 room takes 30-45 minutes, and when I sent it to clean another room, it left the home base and did donuts about 3 feet from the base and then kept head butting the sliding glass doors until it finally ended back up on…

  • My Blog

    Abby vs. the Dog Snatcher

    We welcomed a Roomba into our home in August, much to Abby’s disapproval and chagrin. The first 5 days were spent with the “Dog Snatcher” mapping the entire home. She followed it around, constantly checking on it, nervous and in full fear mode. Once it had learned the floor plan of our home, I was able to create cleaning maps. The Dining Room, Second Bath and Kitchen are labeled “Hair Control”. In order to stay ahead of the hairy mess, I try to run the Roomba several times a week, but in order to not stress the girl out, I do my best to hide it from her. Here is…