• My Blog

    Fall Days

    I absolutely love the fall season, and it may very well be my favorite time. There is just something so beautiful watching the colors change, the wind blowing a cool breath and the cold nights. It is the beginning of winter soups and chili’s, and I’ve already got a list of planned stews for the upcoming months. Granted, I tend to cook soups and stews through the summer months, but I usually don’t make chili unless it’s winter time. I don’t know if that’s planned as much as it is trained from childhood. It would get so hot in Texas that no matter how cold the a/c was, no one…

  • My Blog

    Are You a Spring?

    I absolutely love the fall. The cooler temps, the changing of the seasons, the colors. It is just breathtaking, and beautiful. The blazing hot days of August are behind us, the chilly nights and cold mornings are in front of us. I have always loved the fall. It is when the leaves start to fall and the wind picks up, leaving the blooms blown about, with a dusty layer over them. It is a sign of changing times.  What is your favorite season?

  • My Blog

    What is Your Season?

    We all have our favorites. It is what makes us who we are. Which season is the one that rejuvenates your soul, makes you smile and gives you reason to smile? For me it would be fall. There is something about the changing of temps, the rustling of leaves, the changing colors and the promise for a winter. I remember as a kid, stepping off of the school bus, walking into the house and Mom had every window open. It was a cleansing of the dust and heat from the summer, the smell of the crisp air and the hope for cooler days that always made me happy.  The last…

  • My Blog

    What’s Your Season?

    We all have a favorite time of year that makes us the happiest. Whether it’s because of memories, the weather or just because of the month, we all have our treasured season. I want to know what your season is. Mine would be the fall. The air is cleaner, fresher and full of promise. The leaves change colors, they fall, the wind blows and the cold fronts roll in out of no where. The skies turn grey and there’s a chill in the air. The promise that the fall season brings just makes me happy! It begins early October and ends shortly after Thanksgiving, which, incidentally, is the best day…