• My Blog

    Snow, Snow and More Snow

    We have had a very dry start to winter, with very little snow accumulation. In Early November we had a day of blizzard conditions, when there was no snow forcasted, and it gave me hope that winter was well on her way. But, that moved out almost as quickly as it blew in, and we’ve had no rain and no snow since. However, it has been freezing with below zero temps, warming up to the mid-thirties by 1p, just long enough to make it feel sweltering and then it drops back to below freezing. I do love that because I’ve never been a fan of the sun. It’s a love…

  • My Blog,  Uncategorized

    Snow and Cold Weather

    It was a beautiful weekend in Nevada. Cold temperatures arrived Friday and through Saturday the wind was hooking it until the storm arrived. It snowed from Saturday night through yesterday afternoon and it was beautiful! This morning it started to snow for a few minutes but didn’t last long. The temps are dropping this afternoon and we are in for a wintry week of weather. I’m looking forward to it, although, our propane bill will sky rocket. How was your weekend and how’s the weather?

  • My Blog

    A Snowy February

    They predicted a dry winter with extreme cold, but instead we had a late start and have had above average snowfall for February. In November when we normally have heavy snowfall it was dry, with a flurry or three, but nothing to measure. And, it certainly wasn’t cold as far as the natives were concerned. But, for this Texan who has only been here a little over a year, single digits was fucking cold. In fact, a few mornings when I was out traipsing through the mountains it was well into the negatives. I don’t care what anyone says, that is fucking cold as fuck. At any rate, those few…