• My Blog


    Last week I had a bundle of new guys join my site after someone “googled” my name during a Streamate Gold Show countdown. It was unexpected and very much appreciated! I just wanted to send out a warm welcome to those who are new to my site. Thank you for joining mine, when there are plenty of others to choose from. In the event you haven’t noticed, I do offer over two hours of LIVE cam shows each week with your join. Monday’s I’m on VNA LIve at 8p EST. You find the banner on my CLUB Page. It’s directly underneath the latest update thumbnails. For security reasons, you have…

  • My Blog

    Good Grief!

    I just realized it’s been a week since I last posted on the blog. My apologies. I’m in a rut and I blame the weather. I’ve always had a daily routine, which keeps my house clean and order in my life, but for the last week I do good to get out of bed, in the shower and on cam at a decent hour. We’re due for another time change next weekend but have snow/ice in the forecast on Friday. Doesn’t spring start once we “spring” forward? At any rate, I think it will be a bit delayed. This week I have another change in our normal schedule. The Tuesday…

  • My Blog

    Monday and Tuesday Shows Postponed

    There is another meeting tomorrow night, regarding the Concrete Plant, and then a City Council Meeting Tuesday. Unfortunately, both will be during the member shows. Because we are less than .5 miles from the plant site, we are fighting them on it and I need to attend both meetings. Here is the schedule for this week. Monday- NO SHOW Tuesday- NO SHOW Thursday- VNA 11p EST Friday- Streamate 11p EST I’ll still be online all week, as usual, but the member shows are Thursday and Friday this week. *hugs*

  • My Blog

    Here’s Your Schedule For This Week

    Okay, so I have a lot of hours to take from you, so be prepared. lol. Pay attention, the Monday night show is being pushed to a later hour. I’m going to a goddamn Town Hall meeting, that has been urgently requested by my neighborhood. lol. Monday- VNA 11p EST Tuesday- STREAMATE 8p EST Thursday- STREAMATE 8p EST Friday- VNA 11p EST I hope you enjoyed your break, because I’m going to inundate your world this week. LOL.

  • My Blog

    I’m Home!!!

    G’afternoon, Fella’s! It was refreshing to get away for a few days, and to be without cell service for most of it. You should try it sometime. lol. I’m setting all of my equipment up for a week of cam shows. Basically, I’m back and things are looking pretty normal here, for the week. Which, if you are wondering, makes me very happy! Normalcy. It’s my friend! Because I cancelled the two.five shows while I was out of town, I’ll double up on the regularly scheduled member shows for this week. I’m not sure when, but they’ll probably be Thursday and Friday. I need to check the VNA schedule and…

  • My Blog

    Tuesday Date Night Postponed

    Tonight I’m going to be gazing at the stars through a gigantic telescope at the McDonald Observatory. I love the vast, open spaces of west Texas. I’ll do my best to tweet, but it all depends on cell reception. I will be doing 4- one hour shows next week, so enjoy this break and clear your schedule next week. lol. I’ll probably do the make ups after 10p EST. I hope that you all have a great evening and I look forward to catching up with you next week.

  • My Blog

    This Week at a Glance

    G’afternoon! It’s Monday, again, and so we start over from the beginning. I guess. I don’t know. Why do you suppose Monday’s are such a drag? It seems as though it doesn’t matter what your schedule is, today is never a welcomed sight. For me, Monday’s don’t signify the start of the week like it does for most, and I still have a hard time getting motivated. And, this Monday was not any different. I woke up early and had a ton of stuff to do, and still lolly gagged all morning. However, I did do what I needed to and even ran an unexpected errand and made a phone…

  • My Blog

    Amazing Fella’s!

    I’m reminded on a daily basis that I have an amazing group of fella’s, but I’m always amazed each time you all show up for the member shows. Not only are you there for me, but you’ve all become a big community of friends. You know what’s going on in each others lives, who is having a difficult time and who has the latest redhead sighting. When I cancel a show, you guys are always the first to lift me up and tell me not to worry about making it up… but I cannot do that. I always make up a canceled show and you guys always make it, even…

  • My Blog

    Discussion: VNA on Sunday’s

    I’ve been doing the last Sunday of the month on VNA for almost a year now, maybe more. I’m thinking about fulfilling the current schedule’s commitments, which is four months out. At the end of the four months, Vicky has to manually change my schedule because that one Sunday a month is enough change for mine not to be an automatic re-occurrence. I’ve also realized that, for whatever reason, I have to usually reschedule that show because of weekend plans. Here’s my question to you, and please, I’d like a discussion, would you all be okay if I go back to Monday’s only on VNA? I originally added the Sunday…