• My Blog

    Saturday Plans

    Whew! Today is busy from the time I open my eyeballs, until I go to sleep tonight. I am going into town to get my nails done and in order to do that without wasting 4 hours waiting, I must be standing outside the salon before they unlock the doors. That could be anywhere from 830-930, so I will be there at 845 and hope for the best! From there I am going to do a quick stop at my favorite antique store to see if they still have a dresser I spotted a couple weeks ago, and then to the grocery store. Once I am home, and hopefully that…

  • My Blog

    The Decision Has Been Made

    Over the last month I have asked you guys about switching things up with the weekly member shows. For the last twelve years I have done a show every Tuesday night but I have been wondering if it is time to make a change. I tweeted, blogged and set up a poll on the site. After reading all of the reviews and comments I have decided to start doing Thursday’s at 11p EST. This change was made based on all of the comments, but also because I think that a Thursday show will break up the week for us all instead of having 2 back to back shows early in…

  • My Blog

    Wile E. Coyote

    As a kid, I loved Wile E. Coyote. He made me laugh and shake my head at the same time! I am not sure where my love for him came from. It could be that my maternal g’ma gave me a stuffed Wile E. on my 6th birthday and then my parents took my twin and I to see the elephants at the San Antonio Zoo. Although, not something I would do today, Dad and I rode one of the eles and I just wanted to hug and hug and hug on him. Dad took his cowboy hat off and pretended to be riding a bucking bull. Mom snapped a…

  • My Blog

    A Very Special Day (June 10)

    In my #newbeginnings I have allowed myself to slip on my birthday posts and encouragement of celebrations of each one. I am slowly adding the important dates back into my calendar book so that I will not miss another one… This one was not missed, but I did not make the time to dedicate a blog post to someone who deserves more than just a tweet. So, forgive me for my lack of attention to this very special day, and join in wishing Molly a wonderful and very happy birthday month. She is a sweet lady, with a wicked sense of humor and a generous heart. She is always spreading…

  • My Blog

    Hello June!

    Wow! We are halfway through 2018 and it has been an amazing roller coaster of a year so far. From moving, several times, to experiencing my first winter in the high desert, to back and forth trips to Texas, it has been chaotic at times, but also refreshing.  My first winter was mild, and perfect for me. It snowed, but did not get below zero except for a few hours here and there, and not for days on end. The snowfall was not at all what is needed for this area, but the spring has been unusually wet with decent rain storms. I love rain and that is something that…

  • My Blog

    May Gone.

    It is hard to believe that the first half of the year is almost over and summer is quickly approaching. It seems like I was just enjoying the holiday’s, for the first time in many years, and then January, February, March and April happened. Now May is gone. That sounds ominous, but it is true; where does the time go? I think that we are constantly busy with responsibilities and obligations that it is hard to truly sit down and cherish every day we have. I find myself thinking that I need to do this next, and once that is finished then I will slow down, but here I am…

  • My Blog

    A Titillating Conversation

    Me: How’s it going? Him: I am having a terrible day. Me: Aww, I am sorry. Him: It has been a bad day. Me: Sorry that you have had a bad day. So, what is going on this afternoon? Him: Today has been terrible. Me: Okay, would you like to talk about it? Him: Yeah, it has been a terrible day. Me: Yeah, you have fucking said that already. Four fucking times, to be exact.  Me: Today is fucking terrible. I get it. Him: What’s bothering you bb? Me: Are you in my cam room just to fuck with me? Is this a joke, or what? *eye roll*  Him: ……

  • My Blog

    Baklava. Gone.

    I am struggling to get through my day and to make matters worse, the baklava is gone! All gone! The next baklava holiday is not until July 17th, which happens to be Dawn Marie’s birthday. If you are not aware, she loves her some birthday and it is my favorite of all birthday’s!