• My Blog


    My favorite day of the year is Thanksgiving; it’s one that was very special when I was growing up. It was never the same, from year to year. It had many changes over the years. In the beginning it was Mom and Granny, in the kitchen baking and cooking up a storm. I didn’t realize how much work it was, until I was much, much older, but they did it with so much passion and excitement. Of course, I was a kid, and the weeks of planning and grocery shopping, all for one meal, might have seemed exciting to me, but not so much to them. But, alas, it’s my…

  • My Blog

    My Favorite Day of the Year

    Today. Thanksgiving. It is my favorite day of the year! I cannot explain how much I truly enjoy today for everything that it is and for what it signifies. I am not sure when I developed a love of Thanksgiving, but I do believe it stems from the planning and prep that I saw Mom and Granny put into the days leading up to the big feast. We were not a big family in Texas because my parents and older brothers were from Ohio, but it was the connection and the excitement I had of the food being prepared. When I was old enough, I was tasked with making the…

  • My Blog

    Sunrise in the Mountains

    We are choosing to change up our usual Thanksgiving day plans by spending 4 days in the mountains. Normally we spend it lounging around, visiting with family and then, of course, feasting on a lot of food. This year, however, we will watch the sunrise over the mountains and enjoy the days in the cooler temps, hiking and taking Abby across creeks and on bird hunts. She is quite the retriever and if she can get muddy wet in the process that’s even better. She’d tell you just that if you were to ask her and if she were able to verbally respond. The smile on her face tells me…

  • My Blog

    November Feels

    It is widely known that November is my absolute favorite month; there is no comparison. It brings cooler temps, gloomy weather, and the changing of colors before they quickly fade into the earth. It’s a cycle and this gives way to the rebirth that will come in the spring months, but for now we enjoy the end of the blooming series and look towards winter days. It’s a time when I wish our days would slow down and give us a chance to truly appreciate what we have because soon it will be December and then a new year. You may think that my love for November is all about…

  • My Blog

    The Meaning of Halloween

    I love this time of year and to say that Halloween makes me happy is an understatement. Halloween means that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and that is truly my reason for this post. You probably thought I was going to enlighten you as to the actual origin of Halloween, or all Hallows eve. Or, maybe I was going to mention that this “holiday” was created hundreds of years ago when the Saints would dress up and go door-to-door, thus trick or treating, while wearing costumes in modern day celebrations. Although all good stuff, leads to more good stuff, and ends on Thanksgiving. So yeah, Halloween has all…

  • My Blog

    Placemats and Thanksgiving

    A couple months ago we finally bought a new dining table. It’s not that the old one was in disrepair, but it was time to replace it. The table has dark wood on the top and a white base, with six matching chairs. This is all a backstory, leading up to the reason for this thread… While in Montana, we stopped at an old antique shop, that also had a crazy woman boutique place attached to the shop. The husbands words, not mine, plus that was the name of her boutique. I don’t actually know if she is crazy, or not, but probably. Anyway, back to the reason for this…

  • My Blog

    What I am Thankful For

    I had planned to blog daily this month, sharing with you what I am most thankful for. As you can see, I was an epic failure in that regard, seeing as though I have only posted a couple threads and here we are, two days away from Thanksgiving. Yes! Two days! Oh my, how I love this time of year. More specifically, this month, this week and the day of the turkey. The day that I eat one slice of turkey because it is one tradition I cannot seem to break away from. Traditions. They are good to cherish and to hold on to. Some are worth tossing, while others…

  • My Blog

    A Month of Thanks

    November is one of my favorite months, and that is because of Thanksgiving. I realize this is a holiday for the USA and our northern neighbors, the Canucks, and not all of us share the same sense of excitement as I do. I get it. We all have different perspectives and experiences, which is what makes us such a diverse community. I am thankful for the diversity in our group and always welcome newcomers. Allow me to share my perspective with you. I grew up in a very loving home but our family experienced a lot of tragedy. Although, my parents did their best to smile and let us be…

  • My Blog,  Uncategorized

    Happy “Best Day of the Year”!

    This is my most favorite day of the year and I am so happy to be celebrating it with family and friends. This is one day that people slow down to enjoy each other, and to reconnect. It is the day that no one is worried about social standings and gifts, and they come together to enjoy each others company over a table of food and desserts. It is a time when people of all backgrounds make time for those that are important to them, and they catch up on lost time. Regardless of how busy we get through the year with work, sports, kids and whatnot, this is the…