• My Blog

    Another Trip for the House Boss

    It is true, another trip around the sun has come to a close while another one begins for the House Boss. If you know, you know. She is the one who runs the Windsor Castle. The house of Dwwindsor. The keeper of Ted E. the cat. Although I suspect the latter actually runs the entire castle, but that is neither here nor there. Please join me in wishing the House Boss of Windsor Castle a very happy anniversary of her birth. This day was “gifted” to me and I take it very seriously because it is an important event! To the boss: I hope that you are doing well and…

  • My Blog

    7-11 is a Grand Birthday!

    Today is a good day for a birthday! Today we celebrate the house boss of Windsor Castle, and I have no doubt it is festive in furbrat hall and in the residence of Her Royal Highness Ruby the pig and constort Rohan. This is, what I like to consider, a bonus birthday, for it was only gifted to me 3 years ago, and it is one that I will always remember. Today we celebrate! You may recognize the House Boss (HB) by the “Lilyisms” we enjoy from time to time, or maybe the boss of Dwwindsor, so in essence, we also celebrate him, because without him we would not have…