• My Blog

    Secret Garden

    When I was a kid, I watched “The Secret Garden” with Mom and fell in love with the beauty created by flowers and plants. I’ve always dreamed of having my own secret garden, but between the deer and our epic drought, it’s been slow going and a little bit frustrating. It’s taken me years to figure out what will survive both, the drought and deer. Those that the deer ate, are now covering my deck in containers and have created a very relaxing oasis. What didn’t survive the drought, will not be replaced. The several vines, bushes and ground covers that have flourished in the yard are what I’m going…

  • My Blog

    Front Brakes Engaged

    Have you ever forced a pet outside in the pouring rain? I was on cam last night until about 4a, getting to bed around 430 with Tony snuggling between me and Devil, and Tigger in his normal spot, at Devil’s feet. I drifted off to sleep soon after I crawled under the covers and Tigger was smacking me with his paws at 5… only thirty minutes after I got to bed. I stumbled to the front door and he sees that it’s torrential downpours and backs up to let me know he’s reconsidered. Back to bed we go, just for him to be in my face soon after I fell…

  • My Blog

    It’s National Cat Day!

    I just found out it’s National Cat Day, which means I have to share some pictures from their trip home. Devil sat in the back while I drove, and was telling him I’m not sure about this. They’re cute and furry right now, but how about just picking one. We still have time to toss the other two out at the next light. They’ll find a happy home, just look at them. They’ll be just fine!  They look like survivors. To that he said- they will be just fine because they’re all three going to stay together… forever. Ack! The thought of three totally freaked me out, and continued to…

  • My Blog

    Tigger a.k.a Sleepy

    Tiggers daily ritual is to wake up at 330a, go outside and gallivant until 830a, then he comes inside to eat. Once he’s full, he sits and watches over the other two, while they eat. They like to pretend they’re starving and they might not have food replenished for days, so they eat a lot. Once everyone has a full tummy, Tigger departs the group to sleep on the book shelf until about 3p, when he gets up to eat. After that, he finds the icebox for his afternoon nap. About 7p he goes outside to do a boundary check. He’s usually outside until I finish my day on cam,…

  • My Blog

    Nelson’s Pot

    Nelson pretty much did whatever it is Nelson wanted to do. However, he never jumped on the kitchen counters, drank from the toilet, knocked over glass objects out of spite, or climbed all of the book shelves. He claimed one shelf on my bookcase, which never varied, and one pot in the garden. It was his. This was known. It didn’t matter if there were plants in it, each spring he’d reclaim it. I learned to just give him a fresh dirt bed and he was happy. The Monsters have taken over the house, but the garden they’ve pretty much left alone. *knock on wood* All except one pot, which…

  • My Blog

    Tony, My Hunter

    Out of the three I’d say Tony is mine. He lets me love on him, no matter his mood. He shares my pillow with me, if I’m lucky. Sometimes he pushes my head off the pillow after I fall asleep. He purrs into my ear when I’m waking up. He follows me to the studio and sometimes walks me back to the house at night. He’s my buddy. Tonight I wrangled the other two inside but couldn’t find Tony. Usually he’s underfoot, so I wondered what had gotten into him. After a short while I could hear him moving in the dark and then he came running towards me… with…

  • My Blog

    Tyson and the Monsters

    We finally got the Monsters neutered and decided to go ahead and punish Tyson, while we were at it. Oh. He definitely feels punished. Bless his heart. I can’t say it’s calmed him down at all. He’s a sweet dog, and very well behaved, but when it’s time to take him on a walk, he forgets I’m on the other end of that leash. For a week he had to wear a cone, which was not fun for us either. He was only jailed for 7 days, but I’ve decided to leave him inside for an extra few days, just to make sure he doesn’t open the stitches… and, it’s…

  • My Blog

    Snuggling Cuties

    The Monsters are still full of piss and vinegar, but they are so adorably affectionate after a day of terror. Tony is so full of bologna that he curls up with me and purrs. Tigger usually plops down on Devil and insists on attention. And, Garfield. Well, he’s in a constant state of grumpy but is so loving at the same time. He’s also our “little bit” that has so much emotion in his furry face! He doesn’t sleep with the other two. This picture is with Tigger smothering Tony, while both are sleeping. They are adorable!

  • My Blog

    Drunk Tony

      Tony is my buddy. He follows me around the house. He has claimed my spot on the couch as his own, and he loves to sleep above my head, nuzzling his nose into my hair. He is mine! Last week when I was “getting my drink on”, I was loving on him and, like usual, he was very tolerant of me, even when I was drunk. He forgives me and just puts up with it. lol. He loves me! He’s much bigger than he was when I first started conditioning him to tolerate my forced love sessions, and yes, they do get them several times a day. Like I…

  • My Blog

    Tony is Full of Bologna

    Oh, Tony is definitely mine. Out of all three, he’s the one that lets me scoop him up, kiss his face and hold him until I don’t want to. He always is glued to me when I’m on the couch, the one that sits vigil when I’m sick, and the one that snuggles his nose into my hair when I’m trying to sleep. He is also the one who claims my side of the sofa when I’m gone. He also doesn’t feel the need to move when I get in. Sometimes I don’t have the heart to move him, but other times I want my seat so I can eat.…