• My Blog

    Share Your Traditions With Me

    So, I would love to hear about your family traditions and memories, if you are willing to share them with me, and everyone else that might read this post.  It can be one memory, or several throughout the years. I am curious as to what you remember most about Thanksgiving, and the holiday that follows. Albeit, Christmas, or in my case, the “happy holiday” season of greed. lol. Okay, okay, this thread will not jump into my ever-growing soap box. I promise!  Believe it, or not, one of my most favorite holiday memories was Dad driving us to the next town over to see the lights. It started off with…

  • My Blog

    Traditions and the Fourth of July

    The fourth of July brings out a lot of family traditions, and sometimes is the reason for a reunion. For me I don’t remember my family making a big hoopla out of the fourth. Usually Dad worked and Mom had to deal with “the Twins”. Which was in large part me, since I was one of “the Twins”. My brother was a handful, to say the least, and I would retreat into my bedroom just to give Mom some peace. I do remember Dad getting firecrackers each year so we could make noise in the street for a few minutes. If the fourth fell on a Friday or Saturday then…