• My Blog

    Off to Texas

    I did not think I would be going back to Texas so soon after my divorce, but here I am, on my way to the Lone Star state. And, yes, on purpose. This post is just a reminder to follow my blog/tweets for the next eight days so that you can keep up with me, if you are so inclined to do so. I hope to be on cam from time to time, but there will be no set schedule. However, with that said, I will still do the VNA show Monday (February 18) at 11p EST.

  • My Blog

    North Texas

    Next wednesday, February 13th, I will be flying to north Texas with MtnMan and we will be there for eight days. I will stay connected as much as possible, tweeting, and hopefully camming here and there, but with that said I won’t know how strong the internet connection is until we arrive. I will most definitely keep the VNA schedule as is, because that won’t take much wifi to stream. However, the network cam sites is another story. So, let’s plan on doing the Thursday member’s (Feb 14th) show the following week. I will obviously be tweeting and reminding you guys with another blog thread, so as to not have…