• My Blog

    October: Month of Candy Corn

    I have a thing, for lack of better words, about buying a bag of candy corn each year. I won’t allow myself to buy a bag until October 1st and it has to be Brach’s brand. There really is no comparison, I’ve tried a few over the years, and my love of corn of candy dates back to my childhood. It’s true, so many of our likes and dislikes are because of that long ago period in our lives that shaped us into who we are. I like just 1 bag, and enjoy each piece because it’s what I do every October. I was never big on costumes, but Mom…

  • My Blog

    Happy Halloween!

    Here’s wishing you all a very happy and safe Halloween! I know that some people go all out for Halloween and others hide. I might fall into the second category. I’d love to hear if you’re a Holloweenster or if you turn off your lights and hide. Do you go all out with decorations and candy for the kids, or do you hope that the parents know that a dark house is a “no candy for your kids” house? We turn off our lights where we live, but we wouldn’t get many kids anyway, not down our driveway, or in our area. I’m also curious to know what Halloween was…