• My Blog

    The Wild West of Reddit: A Sex Worker’s Paradise?

    Hey there, internet wanderers! Have you joined the ranks of Reddit, the self-proclaimed “front page of the internet”? If so, you’re part of a community that’s equal parts fascinating and terrifying. As someone that is in the sex industry, I’m curious: do you think Reddit is a better community for us than, say, X (formerly known as Twitter)? Let’s face it, the social hate for sex work is exhausting. It’s like, hello, we’re just trying to make a living and enjoy some online banter without being judged, shamed, or reported to the authorities. But alas, the internet can be a cruel mistress. Reddit, on the other hand, seems like a…

  • My Blog

    A Reminder . . .

    I will be in Myrtle Beach this week, returning home on Monday, the 23rd, but my site will update as it always does. Monday – Wednesday – Saturday will have archived sets added and Friday will be a brand new video. For those of you that are new to my site, I did a complete overhaul and built a brand new webpage in September of last year, which means I am slowly adding 16 years of content back into the fold. With that said, there are still plenty of current and archivals to enjoy today. I add 3 archives and 1 new set each week. Without fail. I won’t be…

  • My Blog,  Uncategorized

    Taking a Break from Cam Shows.

    I am taking next week off of cam and it will begin Saturday, November 23rd at 7p EST. I won’t be doing the weekly member shows; I’ve already rescheduled VNA and I will make it up to you on the Thursday night sessions we will miss. This also means there will be no Skype sessions scheduled, so email me and we can set something up for December. I will be working on my site, updating clip sites and trying to figure out a new site to see if it is worth a shot… But, that will hopefully be done in 2 days because the rest of my week is busy…

  • My Blog

    Avoiding Velociraptors

    Replying to @NakedTXAngel Velociraptors, and how you can avoid them I asked Twitter to give me suggestions on blog topics, and the above was a reply… so, here is my best shot: There are several ways to avoid Velociraptors, but I only have patience to give two suggestions. No, make that three. One: Common sense is imperative if you want to avoid Velociraptors and Natural Selection, also known as Darwinism. Two: When you jump into your time machine, don’t go back in time. You can’t change the past, but you can certainly avoid Velociraptors and their vicious hunting instincts. They will eat you dead. But, if you do not have the…

  • My Blog

    Follow Me on Twitter

    If you follow me on Twitter, but I don’t follow back, please send me an @NakedTXAngel message so that I can correct that wrong. Truth be told, I have a lot of followers and I stopped trying to follow everyone back unless they interact with me. That is not me being a snob, just tired of the robots and auto tweeting “promoters” that flood my TL. If I were to follow everyone back, I’d miss most of what is tweeted by real people. At any rate, if I have not followed you back it is just an over sight on my part and if you will send me an @…

  • My Blog

    Do You Twitter?

    I am an interactive tweeter and if you message me I will always respond to you; with that said, I am an epic failure when it comes to returning the “follow”. I used to spend a few minutes each day looking through my new followers and returning the favor, but that has long come to pass.  My question to you is, do you Twitter? If so, please send me an @dreamnetangel message and ask for a follow back. My only request is that you are not an “egg”. Please, if you Tweet take the time to add a thumbnail picture. It could be anything, just not an egg. Or, you…

  • My Blog

    New Additions to the Dictionary

    Each year the dictionary grows, and it makes sense. We are an evolving species, so I get it, but why do the words “twerk” and “selfie” make it into a book of knowledge? Those two words irk me, and I see them all over Twitter. I can’t say for certain, why I hate twerk, except it’s ridiculous and Miley Cyrus made it famous. It, however, was already a popular enough word for it to be in social media and on YouTube. So, Miley, she is no inventor, just another youth gone mad. And, now onto the word, “selfie”. I don’t take selfies, so maybe that’s why I don’t understand them,…