• My Blog

    VNALive “News”

    UPDATE:  “A Texas court granted on Thursday a preliminary injunction to Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and its co-plaintiffs, blocking the Texas Attorney General from enforcing the state’s controversial anti-porn age verification law while the case is litigated.” (reference: XBiz.com/news) I am sure you’ve been hearing about the new “anti-porn” laws that are going into effect in certain states, which is forcing the online world to jump thru even more than we already do. Starting in September, Texas is joining Utah and Louisiana in blocking all porn sites, unless you verify your identity. Obviously, with VNALive you have never been required to do so, because you can be a member of…

  • My Blog

    A Reminder, and a Hello.

    Happy Monday and a hello to you from the Salt Flats. It’s an early start to what is going to be a very long day, as we set off to our next great adventure. MtnMan is driving and instead of taking a nap, which is what I usually do across the flats, I decided to blog. So here I am. I hope you’ve had a great start to your week and that it’s a successful one, no matter what it is you choose to do. I will be out of town until next Monday, getting home mid afternoon and in time for the VNA hour (May 22). Today, however, I…

  • My Blog

    Another VNA Win!

    I am terrible at posting our wins, and I’ll be the first to admit that. It’s been months since I’ve shared the news here, but you guys keep me in the top three more than not. It does not go unnoticed that without you, I would not place in the top as often as I do. Seriously, I appreciate every one of you that has made it your mission to vote. There are far too many to list, so let me just acknowledge you as a whole: To those that show up, without fail, thank you. You guys choose to spend an hour of your Monday night with me, and…

  • My Blog

    Another VNA Win

    You all continue to amaze me. So many of you choose to join me every Monday, or at least as often as possible, and some sign in ONLY to vote. I appreciate each one of you for the efforts you put forth in keeping me in the top three. In 2022, we placed in the top three 10 months out of the twelve. That is impressive and such an amazing compliment. Thank you! I will continue to host the Monday night hour, as long as you all will have me. It’s become part of my weekly routine, even when I’m out of town or just getting home. There are several…

  • My Blog

    Member Chats

    If you are new to my site, and have not yet explored the member chats on VNALive, you should! With your membership, you have full access to the entire VNALive network of cam shows. You’ll find well known porn stars and a few amateurs (such as myself) giving you an hour of time each week. Most of us do 4 a month, which gives you hours of FREE shows. I am on every Monday at 11p EST. I start out catching up with the viewers, before having some naked fun and then ending the hour with dessert (or a healthy snack). It’s a fun hour with members, not just from…

  • My Blog

    Voting and Stuff

    I am constantly reminded of the community that has been built around my site; it is truly amazing. It is something I had never imagined when I opened my amateur porn site almost 17 years ago. Monday nights are spent with members on the VNALive network (FREE access available with your membership), with titillating chats, catching up, a lot of laughs and some orgasmic fun. We once had an admin, DrDave, who was the best of the best. He encouraged voting, listed my site periodically throughout (for those that has FREE access via another website) and kept the rift rafts in check. Although, truthfully I have rarely had any issues…

  • My Blog

    A Reminder . . .

    I will be in Myrtle Beach this week, returning home on Monday, the 23rd, but my site will update as it always does. Monday – Wednesday – Saturday will have archived sets added and Friday will be a brand new video. For those of you that are new to my site, I did a complete overhaul and built a brand new webpage in September of last year, which means I am slowly adding 16 years of content back into the fold. With that said, there are still plenty of current and archivals to enjoy today. I add 3 archives and 1 new set each week. Without fail. I won’t be…

  • My Blog

    VNA Rescheduled and Out of Town Dates

    So yeah, we’re taking another extended break from life and going to South Carolina next week. We fly out on the early flight, Tuesday which means we’ll drive to Salt Lake City Monday afternoon. We’re going with a group of friends, which will be a great week along the coastline, enjoying some sunshine and cocktails! Our return flight gets into SLC around 4, which means I’ll be walking in the house about the time I should be turning the cam on for VNA…  I have rescheduled two Monday VNA shows and hope you’re able to join me: Saturday, May 14th at 11p EST  Tuesday, May 24th at 11p EST

  • My Blog

    Another Win!

    Wow! Another month and another first place win. I know I say it often, but I have some amazing ladies and fellas, who keep me in the top three more than not. It is truly incredible how you all show up each Monday to cast your vote. Some of you join just long enough to vote, while others stay for a chat. I am honored that you all continue to support me in every way. It is only because of the group we have, that I am still doing the VNA shows. It has become the best hour of the week; it gives us a chance to catch up and…

  • My Blog

    Another Month, Another Win

    I stand by what I have always said, I have some of the best members; you guys are so loyal and always take care of me. I placed second on VNA for the month of September, following a first place win for August. You guys have kept me in the top three more times than not this year, and I am forever grateful. Whether you show up for the entire hour, or join only to vote, you all continue to show your support each week. You guys amaze me with your generosity of time and team efforts. Thank you, one and all!