• My Blog

    A Positive. . .

    Another week is gone, and the weekend is ahead, and no matter how good Monday-Friday was, it’s always a welcome relief when it’s over. I think we’re programmed into living our days by that of the week’s, or at least, I am. I keep thinking that we spend our time wishing it away for the next days off, or the next planned event, but we really should slow down and appreciate each day for what it is. This week has been great. We spent Sunday-Wednesday in Salt Lake City filming new content and taking care of appointments that MtnMan had with the Huntsman Institute. While we were there, I also…

  • My Blog

    Happy TGIF!

    Yes! Another week done, and another weekend to look forward to. Regardless of whether your schedule is flip flopped, I do hope that your Saturday and Sunday are good. I keep saying I need to stop wishing our life away, but I can’t help myself when it’s Friday. I am just thankful another week is over. I often wonder what it would be like to have a 2 day weekend, but I enjoy sharing my days off with MtnMan, so I see no reason to change that. Do you have weekend plans?

  • My Blog

    It Is a New Weekend

    So last weekend I was indecisive as to what I would do and this Saturday is no different. I do not know where this wishy-washiness is coming from but it needs to stop ASAP! It is driving me crazy! Not mentally crazy to the point of being unstable, but it sure the fuck is annoying me.  Since I was sick Wednesday, I did not get into town to do my nails, nor did I peruse the antique shops as planned. I don’t think I want to get my nails done on a Saturday because they will be swamped and full of chaos, however, I have a list of stuff I…

  • My Blog

    Weekend Plans?

    Alright, let’s get a conversation going. What are your weekend plans? Mine are uncertain as of this minute (1230p my time, 330 EST). I might do some website work, or maybe clean the house. I will definitely be going to the grocery store, which is on my Saturday-to-do-list most weekends. I thought about perusing the antique shops, but I don’t want to buy anything new right now, so why go? I also thought about taking the day to read, but I feel like I have had too many lazy moments lately. Or, should I film some videos? I will most likely be lazy in the morning, until about 930a my…